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Request by @fuckmylife3002  (yes I am starting to tag people again)

Two stories, they are separated by ***



Tony and the rest of the Avengers were sitting in the commons playing a fun game of truth or dare. This game always goes South rather quickly. 

"Natasha, Truth or Dare," Tony says. Natasha doesn't hesitate and responds, 


"I dare you to call four contacts in my phone and tell them I am dead," Tony responds smugly. Natasha and the others look slightly confused as to why this is a dare but she shrugs and holds out her hand. 

The first contact she clicks on is the president. She doesn't fall for it despite Natasha's outstanding lying skills. 

Next, she clicks on some jackass businessman, he seems to care less. 

Next, she clicks on one she has never heard of, Peter Parker. 

The phone rings for a solid second and the person on the other line picks up immediately, "Mr. StArK! ArE yOu Ok?" a pubecent voice nearly screams. Natasha holds in her laugh and curiosity and responds in a somber voice, 

"This is Natasha Romanoff. Tony Stark is dead." The line is silent. 

Then she hears a sob and another, then a scream and a loud crack. The line goes dead and Natasha's eyes widen. Tony and the others chuckle slightly. 

"What happened?" Tony asks and crosses his legs and rests his chin on his hand. 

"Well, I didn't know who this 'Peter Parker' was and then he was like Mr. StArK! ArE yOu Ok? And he sounded like a kid and then I told him you died and he started sobbing and then there was a scream and then a crack and then the line went dead. 

If in a different circumstance Natasha's flawless imitation of Peter would be hilarious, and the look of shock on Tony's face would be perfect blackmail. But one phrase kept repeating in Tony's head over and over again: Shit. Shit. Shit! Out of everyone why did she have to call the Kid! Without another word, Tony summoned his suit and said something to FRIDAY leaving the others confused. 


Peter laid on his floor S O B B I N G, after he got the call from Natasha, he threw his phone against the wall and shattered it. His mentor is dead, the man he grew to know as his father is dead. 

Tony Stark is dead. And Peter didn't even get to say goodbye. The spidey-sense at the back of Peter's head started to go off and he looked up at the doorway, moments later it flew open and the one and only Tony Stark walked in. 

"AAAHHH!" Peter screamed through the tears and the pain, "No Peter... Come on... It's not real. He is-he is-" Peter broke off into sobs and collapsed back onto his bed. Tony walked into his son's room instantly regretting his actions. He sat on the edge of the bed and slowly rubbed his kids back. 

"I'm Sorry Peter, we were playing truth or dare and I dared Natasha to call four of my contacts and tell them I was dead... and then she called you... and I didn't know... I'm so sorry kid. Please forgive me!" Tony's voice is desperate and filled with regret as he stares at his sobbing kid. 

"How do I know you're real!" Peter exclaimed and backed away from the man slowly. 

"Yesterday you came to my lab at 3:07 and we worked on our suits together talking about how stupid people are because when they say 'for your FYI' and then we had ice cream... your favorite is Brownie Blast with hot fudge and caramel on it. Afterward, we watched Star Wars: Force Awakens and then Pepper came down and started yelling at us for leaving the freezer over so then we re-programmed FRIDAY to always close the freezer after one of us opened it." Tony says carefully, recalling each of the events as precise as he can to prove to Peter that he is really there. 

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