Fried Chicken Solves Everything

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I blinked.

"Fried Chicken?"

'What, you said you wanted Fried Chicken' the King snorted from the other side of the table in-between bites of his own food.

"I was just joking! I mean, I really did want Fried Chicken, but I didn't think you'd actually give it to me!"

'Well, I did, and it's right in front of you now, so feel free to eat it. Thank you Jake, you are dismissed.'

The corrupted that bought the plate to me bowed before exiting the room. He was dressed smarter than most of the other corrupted here.

We were in a long room with a massive chandelier in the middle being the only source of light, since the sky outside the windows was dark and stormy. Like most of the other rooms in this place, the walls were a deep pink, matte and marble-like. I was sitting at one end of a long table, while the man sat at the other end.

I picked a chicken wing up and examined it. It was fried a flawless golden brown, and the outside texture was crispy and oily. I saw a couple of herbs and spices on the surface, and the Corrupted even bought a little saucer of sauce for me to dip it in. I wondered to myself for a second if it was drugged, but I was too hungry to care and immediately gorged myself in the meal.

Oh lord.

It was the most delicious thing I've ever sunk my teeth into.

The outside was crunchy and aromatic, while the inside was soft, tender and burst with flavour and juices when I bit into it.

I hadn't even realised I was practically inhaling the plate until I realised that from across the table, the King was staring at me mid-bite looking like he was trying not to laugh.


'Excuse me, you just look like a hamster when you're eating' He laughed.

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

'Says you.'

Now that we're in a room with proper lighting, I could finally see him properly. His skin, I realised, was too pink to be human, must be a side effect of the Corruption, since all of the Corrupted had the same pinkish skin. It was like he accidentally bought a crappy bottle of body wash which dyed his skin pink in the shower.

Like he probably uses body wash. In fact, that shower itself looked a bit neglected. He doesn't stink, much to my surprise, though it might be my blocked nose from the night in the cold cave, however.

Why am I even taking note of how he smells anyways?

Soon enough, I realised I had finished the plate, only thing remaining from my meal being the bones left behind.

"Want another?" He called out.

'Read my mind.' I responded.

He then summoned a Corrupted who followed his order without question, leaving us be and returning a few minutes later with a fresh plate filled with the same Fried chicken that's currently in my stomach, and I eagerly inhaled it with just as much enthusiasm and vigour as the first plate. The man laughed to himself but I paid no attention. Food. Is all I care about.

"I'm stuffed." I muttered as I leaned back in my chair.

'Oh good, I thought you were gonna explode that was so much Chicken, you practically inhaled all of it!'

"Yeah, being stuck in a cave for a day or two does that to your stomach."

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum