(A Song Named) Pink Roses ||END||

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Luckily there was no major damage done to Blixer. The doctors got him back on his feet (well, foot) in record time, although a couple who recognised him were slightly pissed that he got sent back to the hospital a week after he got out. It wasn't his fault, really, but Blixer was extremely put off the idea of going back to Hypnotic.

Can't really say the thing for me, however. My nose was fine, but apparently there's a small fracture in my wrist. Nothing big, but it did have to be put in a small, minimalistic cast for a little while. Everything else we'll just have to wait for time to heal.

Unsurprisingly, the man was still pissed.

But for now as we walked back home, he just stared into the distance. There was a neutral expression on his face. The two of us would talk for a while but we were both exhausted. I'm 99% sure Austin and Sugar would be arrested the next morning. Fucking good for them.

But as we were walking through the dimly lit streets, passing through a dark alleyway much like the one I got beat up in, suddenly I heard Blixer swear as he almost falls over. My heart skipped a beat as I whipped my head around, and he's looking down at his foot with a wide eye filled with confusion and mild surprise.

I looked down and saw that there was a large brown and black cat nuzzling against his ankle.

It took me a second to recognise her given that it's been a year since I last saw her and that she's grown considerably, but that pattern...

Dumpling still recognises Fresh?

She nuzzled him affectionately and I could hear her purring warmly, fluffy tail twirling around his leg.

Obviously Fresh has no idea who this cat is, but he didn't hesitate to bend down and pick her up.

"Do I know this cat?"

'That's Dumpling! Hey girl~ How're you doing? It's been a while hasn't it?' I scratched behind her ears and she nuzzled against my hand. She seemed to still recognise me as well.

"Dumpling..." Blixer nodded as he bought the cat closer, examining her. There was some hint of warm familiarity in his eyes as he looked at her. Dumpling purred happily as a sort of greeting. He smiled as he let her back down, stroking her fuzzy noggin. She nuzzled against his hand affectionately, clearly happy at being reunited with her master.

She even refused to leave us when we tried going back home, instead following us the entire way back to my apartment.

So... There's a new soul living in my tiny as apartment now. As if it wasn't already crowded enough with the addition of a seven foot tall demon. But I'm not complaining.

Nonetheless, once I knocked my bedroom door open I immediately collapsed onto my bed, completely exhausted. Blixer usually chose to sleep on the couch, which I admit was a little small for him. But I didn't care much at this point, I just completely surrendered myself to the oncoming wave of sleep that was staring to loom intimidatingly above me as a tsunami. Just let sleep take me.




I felt something, or someone, collapse onto the bed next to me. I usually slept tucked next to the wall, so there was plenty of bed for Blixer when he decided to join me. But nonetheless, this guy was still much much larger than the normal human being, so he couldn't really fit comfortably on the bed.

"Blix... What're you doing?"

'Nothin'.' He grunted as he adjusted himself. So did I, and I just rested my head on his shoulder as the two of us tried to fit on the small bed like a jigsaw puzzle. From beyond the window, the pearl-white light of the full moon filtered in. I didn't question it. He always slept on the couch, which I didn't question, but him randomly deciding to show up here was kinda surprising. Eventually I felt something leap up onto the bed and Dumpling had found a nice place to curl up and spend the night on Blixer's stomach. Just like it was normal for him, Blixer just shrugged and left her there to sleep.

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now