Final Boss

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A/N: The next update will take a little while btw

The sound of wood splintering caused a roar of exhausted cheers from the other three siblings as Quin exhaled, backing up again. A thin layer of dew covered his forehead as he examined the towering door above him. Finally, some progress. Him and his siblings have been trying to bust down this door for what felt like the last hour or so, and it's only now that the door seemed to show signs of weakening.

"Woo!" Tetra weakly cheered as they sat on the floor some meters away, using their scarf as a sort of fan. "At least we're getting somewhere..."

'Yeah..." Quin sighed as he examined the door. Lumina got up and examined it as well.

'Alright y'all In my opinion, if we keep on kicking the shit out of this door it'll break.' Lumina smirked as she backed up, ready to break the door down. 'I'm gonna take a running jump and beat the shit out of this thing. You guys watch out!'


Lumina let a smirk tug the corner of her lips up to her eyes, and took a few steps backwards. Not taking her eyes off of the splintered, dented door, she leapt into the air, using the momentum to become a human cannon. In mid-air, she thought to herself that it seems her feet will land flat on the door.

Just as her feet reached the door, it suddenly swung open.

She yelled out in surprise as all of a suddenly, she fell through the door and landed painfully on the ground inside. She groaned as she curled up, massaging her back. When tetra and Pi entered, they were just wondering why the door suddenly sprang open like that, when everything suddenly went dark. A loud BANG echoed through the halls. Judging by the sheer amount of echoing, they were in an extremely large, open area. But when that door opened, that was the only source of light they all had, so their world was shrouded in darkness. 

"Hey! Where are you guys?" Pi yelled out, arms in front of her like a blind person. "I can't see a thing!"

'We're right here, Where are you?' Lumina's voice responded. Soon enough, the two of them found each other, and clutched onto each other's arms tightly. Where were they?

Then, without any warning, they could finally see each other's faces. Quin looked up, wondering what the hell was going on, until suddenly the music started.

And the shape of a Corrupted appeared.

It stood on what they would assume to be the wall of the tower, no more than 10 meters up. His hair was short and cropped, but undeniably pink. Another appeared on the wall opposite him, a woman this time, with her long pink hair tied back into a braid. They both looked down at them smiling maliciously. Another Corrupted appeared next to the first man, and finally, another next to the first woman. Then, much to Tetra's surprise, almost out of nowhere, a crowd of Corrupted appeared on the walls, sprouting out like flowers in spring. The walls came alive with bright pinks and pitch blacks. Lumina backed up in surprise, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Hey... guys?" Quin muttered as he found that he could fly here. Just like in a void. If they were to guess, when they touch a Corrupted, they would lose an arm. But the strange thing was, none of them had entered anything even resembling a void. Did that pink guy do this? How? Did he somehow manage to turn the entire tower into the setting for a void? That would also explain the sudden music. Then, their eyes widened when they saw one of the corrupted leap out from the wall, only to emit a ring of corrupted, circular particles that spread out like a wave. Just as the four of them dashed past it, another Corrupted, opposite the one who initiated the first attack, did the same. Lastly, two Corrupted opposite each other leapt out at the same time, forming a venn diagram shaped barrier the four had to dodge.

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