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I've been here for half an hour and already I want to leave. The bright lights, blaring music and overabundance of people - It was a mistake coming here, not to mention that I have to be at work in a few hours. Why did I even decide to come here? Now I have to deal with this drunk idiot that's breathing down my neck.

"Heeeeeey Mama~" The sound of a flirtatious drunk slurring and catcalling almost made me punch the table. "You come here alone?"

The muscles in my neck were so tensed I started to feel a cramp. I didn't even look at him, but from his voice I knew that he was relatively young, but still a few years too old for me.

"Can I borrow you a drink?"

Borrow me a drink? Borrow me a drink? Yup, this guy's drunk as balls.

A/N: That was actually accidental on my part, I zoned out and went autopilot writing this so my mind just naturally went Borrow you a drink instead of buy you a drink.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes. Just ignore him.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I immediately swatted it away.

"Not interested, fuck off."

'Aaaaaaw but the party's just gettin' started!' The drunk man kept pestering me. He smelled like booze. I just sighed through my nose.

Then I hear a familiar deep gruff voice that made me feel significantly more at ease.

"Hey. You." Blixer glared down at the drunken man breathing down my neck with the cold glare of an eagle. People were staring at him and whispering to one another about his strange appearance, but he used it to his advantage when it came to intimidating the man, although he knew better than to reveal his horns, which he covered up with a hat. "Get your hands off my girl."

'Huuuuuuh?????? Who're you? Who d'you think y' are?' The drunk immediately changed and started shoving his face in Blixer's instead of mine - which the Corrupted man just stared at him looking like he was 100% done with his shit. The height difference between them was almost comical, it was like a yapping puppy barking at a wolf. The drunk was getting more and more aggressive once he fully took in Blixer's appearance, but instead of covering and stepping away at the pink colouration, he snarled and started to threaten Blixer, face becoming flushed even more red. 'Yer one of them Corrupted aren't ya? Huh? HUH?'

Blixer didn't say anything. He just sighed and shot a look at the bartender behind the stall, who wordlessly left to get Security before it all got too out of hand. He already got enough negative attention for his pink colouration and devilish appearance, and I could see him trying to mentally restrain himself from caving this guy's face in. He knew if he did he'll be kicked out and possibly arrested, and frankly the guy hasn't had alcohol for more than a year. After cussing him out some more, and Security escorted the drunken madman out, Blixer sat down next to me on the booth and sighed.

"I leave for five minutes to go to the bathroom and this happens."

'You have no idea how hard it was for me to not to rip the guy a second asshole.'

"I was trying my best not to rip the guy a third one."

We both laughed, only to be interrupted by a bartender - one we recognised. 

"How're you doing, Blix?" Quin smiled at us as he passed us our drinks. He was wearing a white dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up underneath a black vest and tie - standard Bartending uniform. Since it's my first time coming to this sort of place, I had no idea what to order as drinks, so I just picked the most appealing, sweet and the least alcoholic beverage on the menu, just a standard Punch. That he gave us, handing me a tall glass of a warm red-orange liquid with ice and frozen fruit (plus one of those little umbrellas) that looked tropical, welcoming and bubbly, while on the other hand he passed Blixer a smaller glass of Whiskey. Pure. Hard. Whiskey.

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now