Once Again

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Reading some of the comments on the previous chapter - Y'all need to seriously chill

That pure blue bit of sky against the dark pink...

Why does it disgust me?

Why does it send a cold feeling of fear through my body?

I wasn't scared of the colour blue, I was scared of what the colour blue meant.

Why was the sky turning blue? Why was the pink receding? Does that mean that the Purity's coming back?

I couldn't help but start to laugh.

The sky is returning back to its original colour... The lakes would be drinkable and the sea wouldn't hurt you... The sun would shine again... I should be happy. I should be jumping up and down, crying tears of joy but instead I found myself sinking to my knees and my hands trembling.

No... Fresh...

I tried to stand up and run towards where I knew the tower was - but I hadn't even stumbled several feet before falling back down again and grazing my hands on the soil.

Everything was spinning. Everything was turning into a blur as outlines faded into colours and clashed against each other. I couldn't even stand properly.

For a few minutes I just laid there, staring at the sky, trying to calm myself down.

Eventually, I could hear the sound of running footsteps

Well, I wouldn't call it running footsteps, it sounded more like a drunken stumble, before I heard a loud thud and a faint grunt of pain. I looked around and tried to figure out where the sound came from, and I started to stumble in that general direction. Eventually I broke into a clearing, where I saw a heap of what looked like broken glass.

The colour of the skin and hair immediately sent the sensation of a cold, pitch black hand grasp my lungs as my head convulsed.

"Fresh?" I yell, flipping him over onto his back. His face was cracked and disfigured - one of his eyes were even gone, replaced by a nothingness that should be filled. His other eye went in and out of focus at random intervals as his chest heaved. It looked like he had trouble even breathing without breaking his ribs.

".̩͠.̠́.̙̈(̧͐Y͔͛/̙̎Ṇ̽)͇̑.̪̌.̺̅.̯̄?͚̔" His voice was barely audible. A hint of recognition flickered in his eyes.

'Yes, Yes Darling, it's me, it's me... What happened?' I tried not to panic as my hands went to hold his shoulders - but the moment I touched him more bits of him cracked and broke off., falling onto the grass like the ashes from a fire.

"Sḧ́it̆ h̚ap̈́pene͑d.' He groaned, trying to sit up, but the moment he did his eye snapped open and he fell back down to the floor, breathing coming more and more ragged and uneven as time went on. I couldn't even figure out what to say, I just positioned myself in a way that his head was propped on my thighs as a soft pillow. I took my jacket off and covered his torso with it because he was shivering but it seemed to hurt him doing so. He sighed through his nose and stared up at me, tired and worn out. I felt what I could only describe as deep cracks forming in my heart, like I swallowed a box of tacks. I stroked his cracked, broken skin with a soft hand, the touch he seemed to relax to.

'Yö́u ̇ca̓mȇ f͑or̒ m̉e?̕'

"Well duh! I wanted to apologise for what I said, but... Oh my god..."

As repulsive as his face looked, I couldn't help but feel a deep affection inside me. The same affection I felt for the normal, human looking Fresh.

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now