Chapter 18

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    "I should send a babysitter with you two," Cap commented at breakfast the next morning. You weren't even doing anything, just minding your business eating your pancakes.

"I thought I was the babysitter," you replied between mouthfuls of pancake.

"That's a terrifying thought," Tony quipped. You threw a dagger at him across the table. He fell out of his chair, even though you had vanished the dagger again before it even touched him. "They fight the same now," Tony grumbled while Loki gave you a proud, pleased look.

"You guys weren't invited, Cap. Strange only wants to meet with the sorcerers who caused the power spike," you reminded Cap logically, returning to your pancakes.

"Y/N, whatever you two do, do not make this man our enemy," Cap ordered firmly.

"We won't, Cap. We'll be polite and see what he wants," you replied. "All he said he wants is to meet us."

"Just be careful,"

"I'll be careful, and armed," you reminded him.

"Don't go looking for a fight," Cap added.

"Cap, I'm going in a dress and heels. Believe me, I do not want to fight in these clothes." You finished your pancakes and got up to deal with the dishes. You were wearing a black and white dress that usually lived in Nat's closet. It was more professional looking than most of your dresses. It also somehow gave you an innocent air, especially with your hair loose. You were going for the innocent, mischief-free look when you went to your meeting with Doctor Strange. Loki was Loki and wouldn't be able to get away with an innocent act no matter how he dressed, so you were hoping Strange would underestimate you instead if things went poorly.

"Are you driving, Loki?" you asked. He usually preferred to do the driving when the two of you went out. He nodded and stood, vanishing his own breakfast things into the kitchen. He was wearing his perfectly tailored all-black suit.

You took his hand and squeezed it as you both walked to the elevator. You were nervous about this meeting. "Darling, it will be alright," Loki reassured you in the elevator. That didn't stop you from leaning up to kiss him. "Kisses are always pleasant, witchling, but we do have a meeting to get to," you sighed, but walked with him to the car you always took. You weren't quite sure who the car actually belonged to. You had a suspicion that it was Tony, but it didn't much matter.

It was a short drive over to the address Doctor Strange had provided. It was a huge building with a giant circle window at the top. Loki offered you an arm and you placed your hand on his arm in a now-familiar movement. You dropped Loki's arm when you reached the front door of the place and raised your hand to knock when you suddenly saw a circle of golden light under Loki's feet. "Loki?" you asked, staring at the circle.

"That is not me," Loki replied dumbly. You both knew that. You knew the feel of his magic quite intimately after saving Spiderman. You reached for him to try to pull him out of the golden circle, but before you could get a hand on him he fell through the circle with a yell.

"Loki!" you yelled at the spot where he'd been. You whirled, a dagger drawn and blue magic gathered in your other hand, when the door opened beside you.

"Miss Y/N," you were greeted by a tall gentleman in a blue kimono tunic and bright red cape. "No need for such dramatics," he added, eyeing your dagger and the magic bolt gathered in your other hand.

"Where's Loki?" you demanded, figuring this man had been the one who created that golden light circle.

"He's safe. Come inside and we can discuss this without all of New York watching,"

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