Chapter 61

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 "Sig, Sig wake up," Loki's voice was urgent, scared, actually scared, as he shook you awake.

"Huh?" you asked groggily, snuggling closer in your half-asleep haze instead of actually waking.

"Wake up, Y/N," Loki told you firmly, throwing the blankets off of the pair of you. The chill air and his following words got you properly awake. "There's trouble." Those words always had you instantly awake and aware. You jolted upright, rubbing your eyes against the lights in the room. It was well before dawn and neither of you had any rational reason to be awake at this gods' cursed hour.

"I didn't hear an alarm," you told Loki as you scrambled out of the bed with him. There should have been an alarm if something was going on, if there was trouble.

"There isn't one, but there's trouble. Trust me. C'mon," he told you urgently. You heard the fear in his voice and knew whatever it was had to be bad for him to be this distressed. You both summoned your armor with a shimmer of magic. Loki took your hand and rushed for the door of your suite. You had to run to keep up with his longer stride.

"What's going on?" you asked as you followed him up the stairs. He was too impatient to wait for the elevator, and too distressed to teleport. You couldn't help until you knew what was going on.

"I'll tell you when we get to Thor. We need him," Loki replied instead of answering. Thor's room was a couple floors above yours and you wished Loki was calm enough to think instead of running, but he wasn't, so you had to attempt to keep up with him or get dragged. He burst through Thor's bedroom door without knocking when you finally got to his floor. "Brother, wake up!" Loki ordered loudly as the door banged into the wall and the lights blared to life in Thor's room.

Thor shot up in bed and threw Mjolnir at the pair of you, half awake at best and surely thinking he was being attacked by incompetent intruders. You shoved Loki behind you and grabbed Mjolnir before it could hit him, grateful that you were worthy to wield the hammer, and therefore worthy to stop it from smashing through your face. "Thor, wake up!" you growled. Thor looked at you then, shocked and horrified that he had attacked you.

"What's going on?" he demanded, angry at being woken, and angry out of fear of nearly killing you with his stupid hammer.

"Mother contacted me," he tapped his head to indicate telepathically before you or Thor could ask. "There's trouble at home. We have to go. Now," Loki finally explained, his voice a scared snarl and you understood his fear now. If something was bad enough on Asgard for Frigga to contact the three of you here then it was bad. Loki was worried for his mother. She was the only one he truly loved there.

"Wait in the hall. I'll be there in a moment," Thor told you both firmly. Loki growled.

"Mother needs us now," he replied, desperate for Thor to get up and come with you immediately. Desperate for his brother to help him. Thor gave you a pointed look, a slight pleading in his eyes for you to be more reasonable than his brother. You flushed, realizing the issue, though Loki was too distressed to realize. You sighed and grabbed Loki's arm, dragging him back out of the room. Loki glared at you.

"Sigyn. Let me go. That oaf-" he started.

You rolled your eyes and cut him off. "Is wearing what most men wear to bed and would like for his brother and his brother's fiancee not to see his...hammer," you explained as you pulled the door shut behind you. Loki glanced at Mjolnir still in your hands and your words seemed to get through his brain.

He growled and rolled his eyes. "You better be out here in the next minute or I'm coming in there after you pants or no!" he shouted through the door.

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