Chapter 47

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  You woke again to the lovely dulcet sounds of your bethrothed. "THOR! Get your stupid hammer off of me!" Loki was yelling indignantly.

"Hush, brother, mother wants you to stay out of the healing room," Thor replied with a smirk in his voice.

"This thing is heavy, and just because your stupid hammer is a representation of your manhood does not mean you should sit it on top of mine! Now let me up!"

"Boys!" Frigga snapped in the direction of the bickering while you were busy opening your eyes and trying to hide your snickering. You sat up slowly while Frigga's attention was focused on her bickering sons.

"Sorry mother," both boys replied sheepishly.

You looked past Frigga and the healers and saw that Loki was sitting in a chair, probably thrown there by Thor, just outside of the healing room, with Mjolnir in his lap, too far back in his lap according to his complaints... Thor was standing next to the chair, looking smug for about thirty more seconds until he ended up with a dagger in his side. He yelped, then stared at it and sighed. "I should have expected that," you couldn't help giggling at that. Frigga and both of her sons turned their attention to you. "Good job, brother, you have woken your lady," Thor told Loki with sarcasm more worthy of Loki than the usually straightforward Thor. The brothers were sometimes more alike than they wanted to admit.

"Shut up, Thor and move your fu-" a quick glance at Frigga and he quickly changed the word he was going to say "stupid hammer!" Loki growled.

You laughed again. "So, can I leave now?" you asked the healers and Frigga.

She gave you a soft smile. "Healers are all the same," she told you fondly. "They all refuse to stay in bed even when they are injured or sick themselves," she explained.

Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. "She's terrible about it," he grumbled. "Seriously, Thor, move your hammer!" he added, drawing another dagger.

"If you can be calm, you may enter. We have finished with Sigyn," Frigga finally told the boys. She was amused by their childish antics, probably reminded of them as actual children, excepting the part where Thor got stabbed. Again.

"If you don't get this hammer off of me, I am going to poison your mead again," Loki grumbled.

"Loki," you finally spoke up. Loki looked down at your one word warning.

He sighed heavily and glared, but said "I will not poison Thor's mead, even if he deserves it,"

"That is a very impressive skill, Sigyn," Frigga told you with pride. You gave her a small smile.

"I am sure you're more effective with him than I am. Thor, can you let Loki up now? I would like very much to see him," you asked pleasantly from the bed you were obviously not supposed to get up from. The healers were all watching for you to be stupid too. They were expecting you to be as bad as the boys. You would have been insulted had they not been right most of the time. Thor offered you a small bow and picked up Mjolnir. Loki was on his feet in an instant and on the bed with you another instant later, pulling you into his arms. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I'm fine, love. I am fine, right?" you asked the healers.

"Yes, Lady," they replied.

"Almost," corrected Frigga with a disapproving look at the healers who were telling you what you wanted to hear, forgetting that you wouldn't stay resting any more than any of the other troublesome Asgardians would have. "The wound is closed and healed enough that I will allow you to leave. If" she added quickly before you could get too excited. "You will stay off of your feet for at least two days. The muscle needs to heal and the healing needs to strengthen. Those are my terms, either you promise to stay off of your feet for the two days and have me believe you, or you stay in bed here with my lovely healers who will make sure you stay in bed and a book if we're feeling particularly generous." You could tell Frigga was used to dealing not only with stubborn troublesome Asgardian warriors, but also her sons, especially Loki who would have also said and done anything to get out of the healing room.

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