Chapter 35

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 You spent most of the rest of your recovery time, and Loki's grounding, studying with Loki and Thor. You had to be prepared for court before you returned to Asgard. You learned court dances from the boys, practiced your Asgardian nearly constantly, and crammed as much history and culture into your brain as was possible. It was exhausting.

The team often found the three of you passed out in the early hours of the morning in the living room in a pile of limbs, books, and blankets. Thankfully they all knew better than to wake any of you, or let Loki know they had seen him in such a compromising situation. Especially the night you were both using Thor as a pillow.

Loki denied it happened even though you had printed off the picture from Jarvis' security files and had it stuck to the bulletin board above the desk in your room.

You were just grateful that Loki wasn't jealous of Thor. Yes, you were close to Thor, but it was a brother/sister relationship and nothing more. Thankfully, Loki recognized that, and didn't throw a fit. It helped that you could both commiserate over Thor being an annoying older brother. You both yelled at him one night when he had decided you had both worked too hard and threw you one over each shoulder to carry you to bed.

Tony laughed and took pictures of you, Loki, and Thor the entire trip back up to your suite. Loki was so concerned with throwing daggers at Tony that he didn't think about stabbing Thor for the indecency of being carried to bed thrown over Thor's shoulder. Or it was something he was so used to from when they were younger he hadn't even thought it strange. Thor set you both down on your feet outside of your suite. "Get some sleep, children. You have both been working too hard. Our family will love you no matter what, little sister, and you should know better than to let your kærasta work herself to death, brother,"

"I don't let her do anything," Loki grumbled in reply. Thor boomed a laugh, kissed your hand, clapped Loki on the shoulder, and left to go find his own bed.

"C'mon, love, Thor's right for once. We both need sleep." You grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him into your suite before he could somehow get mad at Thor. You tried to remember when the suite had become both of yours and not just yours alone. You gave up quickly. It was impossible to know exactly and it didn't matter. Loki slept here now, most of his stuff was here, and his room had become your overflow library and dagger vault.


"Loki, I have to go, I promised Doctor Strange," you protested again when Loki wanted you to stay home. You had even bribed him with pancakes and he was still being this difficult.

"I can't go with you," he reminded you. Again.

You rolled your eyes. "You don't need to come with me to visit a friend," you reminded him patiently.

"You're still injured. I dislike you going alone," his voice was scared, concerned, worried. The last time you'd gone out without him, you'd been hurt.

"I know, love, but I'll be fine. You know I'm spending the next three days entirely in your company. Today's the best day to help the Doctor," you reminded him overly patiently.

"I still dislike it," he grumbled. You kissed his cheek.

"I love you too. I'll see you this afternoon. Doctor Strange will give me a ride home," you reminded him. On impulse. "Can I have a dagger?" you asked. He smiled and summoned one for you in a very impressive looking sheath. You tied on the sheath obediently and he seemed more relaxed at your leaving when you were armed while you were gone. "Thanks," you told him with a smile and teleported away after one last kiss.

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