Chapter 53

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  "What happened to Agent Briggs?" Fury asked after everyone had disembarked from the jet and into the Helicarrier proper. One of the agents was dragging the mummified agent, who was apparently named Briggs. The agents all looked away, unwilling to answer Fury's question on what happened.

"He insulted my lady," Loki replied, his arm wrapped possessively around you. You leaned up to kiss his cheek reassuringly. You were alive and well; as happy as you could be when you'd prefer to be at home, but you'd take what you could get.

Fury's eyebrow rose. "How is he still alive?" he asked suspiciously. It wasn't like Loki to let someone insult you without a very high payment for it.

Loki smirked and kissed your hair. "Because my lady punished him sufficiently on her own," his voice was full of pride, which you saw just seemed to make Fury even more concerned.

"And every single member of the Avengers 'accidentally'," the agent speaking made the air quotes "kicked and stepped on him on the way out. Except Lady Sigyn of course," he added, nodding to you.

You shrugged at Fury's look. "I already did enough defending my honor,"

"Again. How is he still alive?" Fury asked with a glance at Loki.

"My darling would not let me kill him," Loki finally grumbled with a hint of a whine in his tone. That wasn't true, but you saw what he was doing and didn't call him on the lie. SHIELD had the awful tendency of believing that Loki was a heartless monster who was uncontrollable and just wanted to take over the world. They were wrong of course. Granted, he was vicious when angered and had a possessive streak, but he was also a good man. SHIELD wasn't likely to change their opinion of him anytime soon, but you? You were a tiny adorable healer who could be reasoned with. You were also one of the few people Loki actually liked and one of the fewer people (or the only one on Midgard besides his brother, and that was rare) that he listened to. He was setting you up as even more important, telling them flat out that you could control him. He was making sure you were safe by showing SHIELD how important you were. Sneaky Trickster.

You weren't about to ruin his work either, so you leaned up and kissed his cheek again. "There's no need to kill him, love. He didn't do anything more than say something crude,"

"He openly threatened your honor," Loki protested, taking a step toward the bound man.

"And I punished him for it. I'm not some weak little mortal you need to protect," you reminded him firmly. He looked like he was going to argue and you saw the glint in his eye. This was part of the game, so you stepped out from his possessive grip and turned to face him, pointing a finger at his face. "Behave," you told him firmly.

He sighed heavily and took your hand to bow over it and kiss your knuckles. "Very well...this time," he said as he began to rise from his bow. You kissed him lightly before he could rise all the way, then turned your attention back to Fury.

Fury seemed to accept the show, or at least didn't feel like commenting on it, which was a good thing. "Agent Romanoff, show Loki and Sigyn around and to their room. The rest of you should know your way around. Assessments begin in an hour," Fury ordered. You had a feeling he was tired of your antics already. Boy, was he in for a surprise. This was nothing. Tony and Bruce were already heading to the lab, completely ignoring Fury as they discusses some science project that they needed SHIELD's tech for. Cap went with Fury to the bridge for a debrief. Clint was just...gone. You suspected the air vents.

Nat gave you a tour of the airship, including the bridge, the lab which currently held the science bros, the containment cell where you'd find Loki if he got caught causing trouble, the rec room, and the Avengers common room in the middle of all of their bedrooms. She finally showed you your room. "We told Fury you'd prefer bunking together," Nat explained at the fact that she was leading you to only one room. That was smart, especially with Loki's powers bound. You weren't planning on leaving him on his own. "Get changed and meet us on the bridge," Nat told you and turned to head to her own room to get ready.

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