Chapter 40

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You woke to Loki's soft noises and the shifting in his body that told you the second you were awake that he was trapped in a nightmare. You shook him gently. "Loki, wake up, it's a dream, darling," you bid him gently, as if that would actually work. It make it worse. He screamed in pain and terror. "Loki!" you called again. He didn't wake. You summoned your magic and touched your fingertips to his temples, intending to help using magic, though mental magic wasn't your specialty. Instead, his much stronger telepathy grabbed you and drew you into his nightmare.

You were on a strange, dark, barren planet. Wherever this place was, it definitely was not Earth. Loki was on the ground in front of a cloaked figure and looked like he had been thrown there. "You were promised more than pain if you did not bring us the Tesseract," the cloaked figure snarled at Loki. You could feel Loki's terror from where you were. You ran to Loki and knelt over him defensively, defending an attack by the cloaked figure.

"Sigyn! No, get out of here," Loki begged you, so lost and terrified, moreso now that you were here and in danger.

"I'll never leave you, love," you replied firmly. You grabbed his arm to haul him to his feet. "We're in this together. Now let's take care of this dream together." You offered him a glowing blue hand. He managed a small smile and placed his green glowing hand in yours.

"Together," he said softly and you felt the word heal something inside him.

A moment of power later the dream exploded around you, blasted away by your combined powers.

You blinked quickly as became aware again, back in your own body. You were still kneeling over Loki, your fingers on his temples. You smirked at him and kissed his nose. He laughed in reply, the sound driving away the last of the nightmare. "Silly little witchling,"

"I'm just glad you're ok. I was worried when I couldn't get you to wake," you told him, moving your hands to stroke his hair. You laid back beside him, using his arm as a pillow as you continued stroking his hair. He kissed the top of your head.

"Thank you for your help," he told you softly.

"Was that the man who made you attack New York?" you asked him equally softly, gently, willing to drop the question if it was too upsetting.

He nodded. "I ended up there after falling into the abyss off of the Bifrost..." his eyes were clouded by bad memories. You shifted to kiss him. He purred and relaxed when you did. You didn't need the rest of the story or him reliving those nightmares.

"Your Highness?" came the voice of a young woman from the other room of the suite. You squeaked in surprise and yanked the blanket up to make sure your chest was covered, though you weren't indecent. Loki chuckled at you and kissed the top of your head.

"It's just a maid," he told you softly before raising his voice to address her. "What is it?" he called, sitting up in the bed and stroking your hair so you'd stop making those pathetic embarrassed noises. The maid stepped into the room and sank into a low curtsy.

"My apologies for the interruption, sir," she spoke quickly, used to Loki's quick temper when he was interrupted. She didn't move from the curtsy or wobble, which was impressive to you, since you'd only learned how to curtsy properly a couple of months ago. "The Queen has requested the presence of Lady Sigyn as soon as she is awake,"

"Thank you. Please tell my Lady Mother that we will be there shortly," Loki replied with a regal inclination of his head, his tone careful and formal. The maid fled to report to the queen.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now