Chapter 21

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The night of Tony's finally arrived. You still weren't quite sure how to classify it and it probably wouldn't have a real classification until much later that evening when everyone decided if it was more cotillion or more drunken drinking party. It was a toss-up with Tony.

You were excited for the event, especially after months of learning how to dance in preparation for the evening. It was going to be a crowded event, too. Tony was hosting it in the ballroom of the Avenger's tower. You hadn't even known there was a ballroom in the tower until a couple of weeks ago. One of the entire floors was a ballroom with a bar on one side and tables for food and socializing spread around the edge of the giant room.

Every celebrity, famous person, and socialite in the city (and some outside of the city) wanted an invite to this event. Some only wanted to see the inside of the tower, most wanted an opportunity to befriend, or "befriend" one of the Avengers.

The boys were already in the ballroom, greeting the first guests while you, Nat, Pepper, Maria Hill and a couple of the other girls of SHIELD were up in your suite getting ready. You had agreed to do their hair for the evening after Nat had found out about the hair spells Loki had taught you. It didn't take much magic and you were able to do their hair perfectly and used a bit of magic to make sure none of their hairdos came undone dancing during the evening.

You all had gorgeous updos, though you had left a couple of curls loose on yours to frame your face, and floor length gowns. Your gown was a halter gown, which fit perfectly, and was the exact shade of blue at your magic. You wore the bracelet from Loki and drop earrings as your only jewelry, besides the necklace you always wore, but as usual, the pendant on the necklace was out of sight. It was shy.

Once everyone was ready, and the group had double-checked everyone's dresses, hair, and makeup, you all piled into the elevator to head down to the ballroom. The doors of the elevator opened and you fought to keep your mouth from falling over at how gorgeous the room was. Pepper had done an excellent job having it decorated for the event.

The room was already crowded, though the event had barely begun. The attention from those nearby turned to your group as you all got off the elevator, but none of the boys were nearby that you could see. Pepper spotted Tony quickly, and the rest of the girls split off to go find friends or loved ones. You wandered into the crowd, looking for your wayward boyfriend.

You were kind of surprised that Loki wasn't waiting at the elevator for you. He'd been hesitant to come down without you. You spotted Thor quickly and went to say hi. "Lady Y/N!" he greeted you enthusiastically before he bowed over your hand to kiss your knuckles. It was strange to see him in a suit, but he looked good in it. "You look wonderful tonight,"

"Thanks, Thor. You look great tonight too. Any chance you've seen that brother of yours?" you asked.

"He said he was going to the bar to get a drink," Thor answered.

"I better go find him before he gets in trouble," you replied with a smile.

"That is very true. Good luck," he bid you. You made your way over toward the bar. You didn't get stopped as often as the rest of the Avengers, most people didn't recognize you yet, since you didn't go out on many missions and didn't get nearly as much screen time as the rest of the team.

You did laugh when you saw Peter there wearing a suit and his Spiderman mask. "Hi Spidey," you greeted him when you were close enough. He stuttered over a greeting and over telling you that you looked nice. Poor kid still wasn't over his crush. "You clean up nicely too," you added kindly before you continued on your way to the bar.

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