Chapter 54

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You barely saw Loki over the next few weeks. Since your powers and abilities were nearly identical, you were getting split up on missions where the team was split on separate missions. Which was happening more and more often it seemed.

School started and you somehow added a full class load to your other responsibilities. Your 19th birthday came and went with a party with your friends.

Loki had to go on a mission with most of the team while you were without your powers that month. You stayed behind at the tower. He was beyond livid when he found out you'd been left alone in the tower those three days with no protections, because the rest of the team had gotten called out to a separate mission. He yelled at Cap for a day straight for letting you be in danger, and wouldn't listen that you were perfectly fine and safe. Loki vowed he was never allowing that to happen again.


Somehow you both got a Saturday off together. Neither of you were sure how that happened, but you weren't questioning it either. You intended to sleep in that morning, but stirred when you realized that Loki wasn't in the bed with you. That wasn't right.

So you climbed out of bed to go find your wayward Loki.

It took some hunting, but you finally found him in the kitchen cooking. You smiled and stepped up behind where he was working at the stove, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and kissing the nape of his neck, in the spot he loved having kissed, but was usually hidden by hair. He'd tied his hair back while he cooked. "Morning witchling," he greeted you warmly. "You were supposed to wait in bed until I brought you breakfast," he told you with a small pout.

You laughed in reply at how adorable he was with his plans thwarted. "You weren't in bed, so I had to come find you," you informed him. His smile lit up his eyes and he kissed you, touched that you would come find him just because he wasn't in the bed. "You're being awfully romantic this morning," you teased as he steered you to a little two-person table and chairs that had appeared in the kitchen. The table had a little vase with a single rose in it at the middle of the table. Loki kissed your cheek when he had seated you.

"Do I need a reason to dote upon my darling?" he asked warmly.

You gave him a wary look. "No, but you often do when you're going to these extremes. What mischief are you up to, Trickster?" you asked him firmly. He laughed and went to finish making breakfast.

"I have done nothing. There is something I wished to ask you, though," he admitted carefully, obviously watching his words. Silver tongued trickster...

"So bribery?" you asked with a grin as he set a plate of pancakes in front of you before he took the other seat at the table.

"Nothing so sinister," he reassured you. He wasn't lying, so you dug into your pancakes.

"How are these so good?" you moaned softly, savoring the pancakes. He was such a good cook.

He chuckled. You always loved his cooking on the rare occasions you actually got him to cook. "I am glad my lady is pleased," he preened under your praise. You ate your breakfast in companionable conversation over light things, mostly caching up on recent missions.

Right when it seemed that Loki had plucked up the courage to ask you whatever his question was, Thor stomped half-asleep into the room and made his way directly to the pot of coffee. You didn't see how, but somehow when Thor was turning to get his mug, he dropped the entire pot down Loki's back. The pot was fresh and nearly boiling hot. Loki howled in pain and you jumped to your feet, summoning a towel at the same time.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now