:Part Six:

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third person pov

"Yeah! Come over anytime around then!" (F/n) smiled despite Midoriya not being able to see her.

"Ok! I'll um see you then!" Midoriya replied, super hyped he was getting to spend time with (F/n).

"Thanks again, Izu! Bye!" (F/n) ended the call. She proceeded to finish getting ready for the day then headed downstairs.

She was quickly greeted by her beautiful black cat named (C/n). He loved her and followed her everywhere (F/n) went in the house.

"Daiji! Airi! You guys better be ready! Izuku is coming over soon!" (F/n) warned my siblings. "Hello?"

(F/n) wondered around her house looking for her siblings. She figured they were messing with her and were hiding somewhere.

"Come on guys it's not funny! Get out here!" (F/n) called, starting to grow impatient. "Daiji? Airi? Where are they?"


"Izuku thank god you're here!" (F/n) pulled her friend into the house the moment she got the door opened.

"Woah is something wrong?" Midoriya asked concerned. He scanned (F/n) for any injuries and luckily found nothing.

"Yes! Daiji and Airi are missing!" (F/n) frantically began to search for them again. "I've looked everywhere but can't find them!"

"Um (F/n)...." Midoriya peeled off a piece of paper taped to the fridge. "This might help...."

(F/n) joined him in the kitchen and read the note. She immediately facepalmed. "I'm an idiot. I completely forgot that grandma was talking them today...."

"You're not and idiot!" Midoriya protested. "You just forgot that's all!"

"Heh well it looks like we're here alone then." (F/n) smiled nervously. Midoriya felt like his heart had stopped.

A sudden knock at the door caused both teens to jump. (F/n) tilted her head in confusion as she went to go answer the door.

"Hey (L/n)! How are you!" A bubbly Ashido greeted.

"Oh hey Ashido! May I ask how and why you're at my house?" (F/n) questioned. Midoriya joined his female friend at the door.

"You gave me your address since you forgot your book and homework at school." Ashido smiled. "Oh hey Midoriya!"

"Hi," Midoriya awkwardly waved, hoping Ashido would leave soon so he could spend time with (F/n).

"Oh yeah thanks!" (F/n) took the items Ashido stretched out for her to grab.

"No problem!" Ashido suddenly gasped. "Is that a kitty?!"

Sure enough (C/n) came strolling into the front room to see what the commotion was about. He gave a quick glare, unnoticed by (F/n), to Midoriya. Midoriya felt chills run down his back. That suddenly made him very uneasy.

"Oh this is (C/n)!" (F/n) picked up the fluffy animal and allowed Ashido to pet him.

"So pretty!" Ashido gushed. "Oh I forgot to mention! Some of our classmates and I were going to the mall just to hang out! Do you guys wanna come?"

"As long it's ok with Izuku." (F/n) turned to said male. Midoriya wanted to scream no and pull (F/n) back inside and keep her to himself but...

"Oh uh that's fine....I guess." He stuttered. All his hopes of spending time with (F/n) alone were now lost.

"Cool! We should probably head out now so we don't make the others late." Ashido warned. (F/n) nodded and set down (C/n). The trio then made their way to the mall after (F/n) left a note and locked up.


"Hey peoples!" Ashido yelled towards the group of people waiting in the plaza of the mall.

A few waved and called hello back. People that were there were Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Uraraka, Tsu, Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro. Everyone else was busy or refused the offer. (Aka Todoroki and Bakugo)

Midoriya was so thankful that Bakugo wasn't there. He knew for sure he also liked (F/n) and knew he would try to take her from him.

"Oh you brought (F/n) and Midoriya!" Kirishima cheered.

"You guys wanna get food? I'm starving." Kaminari complained. Others nodded in agreement. The group headed to the food court in a hurry.

They took up two tables and one booth. Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, and (F/n) had the booth while everyone had the tables nearby. (F/n) happily ate her food next to Midoriya.

Midoriya couldn't help but wish they were doing this alone. A few others were thinking the same. The boys at the booth watched (F/n) and thought to themselves.

(F/n) slowly started to realize the boys' staring. She swallowed the food in her mouth before talking. "Whatcha guys staring at?"

Immediately all the boys turned their attention else where and blushed. "Nothing..." They all muttered, leaving a confused (F/n).


Sorry this chapter was so short. I'm having writers block. Hope you're enjoying so far. Sorry for any typos.


Word count: 809

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