:Part Seven:

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Sorry about not finishing the mall part. I got bored lol. Sorry anyway on with the chapter.

third person pov

"Alright good morning." Aizawa greeted his class. His body was covered head to toe in bandages. The class let out gasps of surprise.

"I see you're ok Aizawa Sensei!" Iida announced.

"Can you even call that ok?" Uraraka muttered.

"Settle down." Aizawa demanded. "The fight's not over yet. The sports festival is coming up."

Everyone excitedly started to talk about the festival. Aizawa rolled his eyes at his obnoxious class.

"Enough!" Aizawa rubbed the bridge of his nose with his not broken arm.

Midoriya raised his hand. "Is it safe to have a sports festival right after the villain attack?"

"UA is using this as a way to prove to people that our security is top notch and that we are able to continue with regular school activities without worrying about villains." Aizawa responded.

"Makes sense I guess..." Midoriya shrugged.

"Now the festival is in two weeks. So train yourselves. Push to the limit." Aizawa pumped up the kids. "Remember there will be pros from all over looking to find possible interns. Do your best. Class dismissed."

The class immediately started up chatter about the festival while waiting for the bell to signal the end of homeroom.

"I'm going to come out on top and crush everyone in my way." Bakugo said evilly.

"What would you do if you had to fight me?" (F/n) asked Bakugo.

"Huh?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"She's got a point bro. Her quirk deals with water she could possibly defeat you." Kaminari shrugged in agreement.

Bakugo scowled at the blonde. "Kiri could beat you too since your explosions don't effect him either." (F/n) pointed out.

Kirishima blushed at the new nickname and (F/n)'s confidence in him. "Well I guess but I have my limits."

"You all do and I'm going to crush you all to bits." Bakugo growled. Sero and Kaminari chuckled at his cockiness.

"Hey (F/n)!" Midoriya callee to the female as he approached her with Todoroki following him. "What do you think the sports festival is going to be like?"

Bakugo glared at Midoriya as he came over. Midoriya caught his eye for a second and glared back. Bakugo felt anger rush through him. (F/n) leaned back into her chair and thought for a minute.

"Well I don't- uh..." Y/n looked around her and took in the sight of almost all the guys in the class surrounding her. "Uhhhhh....."

(F/n) felt her face heat up. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The boys gave her confused looks as she sank down in her seat a little.

"Great job Deku you broke her!" Bakugo yelled at Midoriya.

"Huh!? I just asked a question!" Midoriya protested. (F/n) sank farther into her seat. The arguing started to pick up wit every insult.

Todoroki took notice of how awkward (F/n) was starting to feel. He gently placed his hands on (F/n)'s shoulders and bend down to her level from behind. (F/n) still in her seat tensed up at Todoroki's touch.

"Calm down, lets get you out of here." Todoroki said in her ear. (F/n) relaxed and nodded.

Luckily everyone was busy arguing they didn't notice she got up with Todoroki. The two of them went to the other side of the class room.

(F/n) let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thanks Todoroki..."

"You're welcome." Todoroki said simply. The half and half boy was starting to like this girl more than expected.


Really short chapter I'm sorry. I haven't been the best with getting chapters to be the way I want them to be. I can promise the next two chapters with be back to their normal length. Sorry for any typos.


Word count: 647

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