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You feed your dragon, a (d/t) named (d/n) from beside your house. Your house was close to Hiccup's, the boy who used to be your best friend. Five years ago you helped him change everyone's minds about dragons. You stayed out of the fights, sure. But you helped Hiccup train Toothless and on the way you found your dragon.

Maybe the sudden fame and popularity got to his head, but he soon forgot about you. Now he's the Chief of Berk and happily dating Astrid. Astrid hates you, for a reason unknown to you.

"Come on, (d/n). Are you almost finished?" You stroke your dragon's neck. "I don't want to see Hiccup again." You mutter. (D/n) rolls (his/her) eyes and snorts. "What? It's not my fault. It's his. And if he-"

Just then Hiccup walks out of his home, his mother at his side. You'd never talked to her before. She seemed nice enough, and always smiled at you as if she felt sorry for you. But a lot of people have been looking at you that way since the death of your parents.

You stare at (D/n) as Hiccup slowly passes by your house. You're too busy trying to look busy that you don't notice the worried glance Hiccup gives you as he passes.

As soon as he's out of sight (D/n) stands up. "Now you get up. Figures." (D/n) nudges you and you laugh softly. "Come on. Let's go out." You drag your saddle off the porch and attach it to (D/n). You hop onto (his/her) back and take off into the sky.


Later that day you watch the setting sun with (D/n). You read a book while (D/n) snores softly. You're lost in your own little world, so when a twig snaps from behind you, you jump. (D/n) jumps up and stands in front of you protectively.

"Whoa, whoa." It's Hiccup, his arms raised and Toothless standing in front of him. "I- I didn't mean-"

Your eyes widen in alarm and you jump on (D/n)'s back. I can't talk to him, not now. "___, wait!" Hiccup shouts, running to your side. "Wait, please."

You take a deep breath. "What, now you want to talk? After five years of ignoring me?" You close your eyes.

"___, I have ignored you-"

"Haven't ignored me?" You laugh emotionlessly and jump off of (D/n)'s back and face Hiccup. "You left me. Alone. You told me we'd always be friends and you left me." Tears run down your face and you clench your hands into fists. Hiccup opens his mouth to speak and you shut your eyes. "Look. I think it'd be better for everyone if you just go. You have Astrid and your mom and your friends. I have-" You stop. Nothing. All I have is my dragon. You turn back to your dragon. "Goodbye, Hiccup."

"___, please listen." He takes your hand and you spin around to face him. "I-I know I messed up, ___. I left you and I know that was wrong. I didn't realize that I-I was wrong until this morning."

"It took you that long?" You mutter.

Hiccup drops his head until his forehead touches yours.

"Yeah. It took me that long. And I'm sorry. I hurt you and that's the last thing I wanted to do. Would you-"

"I forgive you." You interrupt him. He pulls away and smiles down at you.

"Thank you." He breathes, leaning down. You freeze as his lips softly touch yours.

Hiccup x Reader One Shots (NOT TAKING ANY MORE REQUESTS)Where stories live. Discover now