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Requested by toothless4ever. I hope you enjoy! ^-^

"How about a race?" Your boyfriend, Hiccup, asks from beside you. It'd been a long, quiet morning, and you'd been spending time with him and your dragons, Toothless and (d/n). Sitting on the edge of a cliff, Hiccup sketches your dragons while you watch. This request gets you excited.

"Race to where?" You ask, playing with his hair absentmindedly.

"Around the island," he says.

"Okay. Let's do it." You stand up and mount your dragon, waiting for Hiccup to mount his. "Ready to lose, Hiccup?"

Hiccup laughs. "Hardly," he says. "Ready?" You nod. "Now!"

At the same time, the two of you shoot up into the sky, in the coverage of the clouds. The wind burns your cheeks at the speed of your dragon. "Come on, (d/n)! We can do this!" Hiccup out of sight, you only assume he's far above or below you. (D/n) roars and fires a blast of fire, lighting up the grey clouds.

Suddenly, a shape tumbles in front of you a few feet away. The wind blows your hair in your face, and you squint to see what it is you're flying towards. "What the?" You mutter. (D/n) realizes what it is before you do, and cries out in fear as the net hits you hard. It tangles itself in (d/n)'s wings, making you plummet to the ocean.

Before you hit the water, you see a flash of plasma, and a Nightfury wing from a cliff, celebrating another race-win.


You open your eyes. Where am I? Valhalla? Your head is spinning and your arms are asleep. No, Valhalla shouldn't be this uncomfortable. Hel, then? Were you that bad? You laugh quietly and sit up. A wooden floor comes into focus, as does a small window, blocked off by thick metal bars. You stand and stumble to the window, catching yourself by grabbing onto the bars. The room tilts, and you take a deep breath and look out.

Fog. Ocean waves. An small speck of island on the horizon. That's all. "Where am I?" You mutter. A creak in the wooden floor behind you makes you jump. You hear the squeak of a heavy door moving on rusty hinges and press yourself against the wall. A man steps inside. He looks familiar. "W-who are you?" You stutter. "And where am I?"

He laughs and shuts the door behind him. "My name is Dagur the Deranged. You are here to tell me about the dragons."



"Woohoo!" Hiccup shouts as he lands on the cliff. Toothless roars in triumph and blasts plasma above. "Another win for us, huh bud?" He asks, hugging his dragon. He waits a few minutes for you. When you don't show, he starts to get nervous. "___?" He calls out, looking around. He climbs on Toothless and shoots forward, his eyes trailing the island of Berk. "____?" He calls again. He flies around in hysterics, asking everyone on Berk if they've seen you. Everyone has the same answer, "No, Hiccup, sorry."

He lifts himself into the sky again, eyes trailing the ocean around Berk. Between his panicking and the thick fog above the ocean, Hiccup doesn't notice the ship that holds your unconscious dragon and you.


"The dragons?" You ask. Two more men walk in the room and stand by the doorway. There's no way you can escape. "W-what do you mean?"

"How did you train them?"

"Train them?"

"You trained that dragon to obey you."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stutter.

"Tell me."

"I don't know!"

"Tell me!" He calls, hitting you hard in the face. You fall to the floor, covering your jaw with your hand. "Tell me," he threatens one more time. You shake your head. "Very well," he says. He turns to the men. "Make her talk." Is what he leaves with.

"But the boy knows how," one of the men say. "Not her. Can't we-"

"No. We don't know where Hiccup is, and besides, no one hurts Hiccup but me."

Still dazed by the hit, you can't run away from the men walking towards you. They lift you off the ground, making you kick and scream and fight as hard as you can. "No!" You scream. "Let me go!" You look around the hall they're dragging you down. Who big is this ship? The turn towards a doorway and walk inside. Shutting the door behind them, they push you down into a chair and tie your wrists to the back. Soon enough you're helpless. "Please," you plead to them.

"Tell us how to control the dragons, sweetie," one of the men says, touching your cheek. You jerk your face away and shake your head.

"I don't know," You say. "I've never controlled a dragon."

The man slaps you across the face and you cry out. "How?" He demands.

"I don't know!" You cry out.

"Very well," he says, nodding to the man beside him. The other man takes out a knife and hands it to the one who hit you. "Tell us," he tries again.

"I really don't know. I-I-" the man presses the knife to your jaw and slides the blade down. You bite your lip and shut your eyes against the pain. "Please!" You cry out. "I don't know!"

He lifts the knife and admires his work before cutting the ropes that hold you down. The other man takes your arm and gives it to the one with a knife, while your other arm is held down to the chair. "Let's be sure you don't forget our chief's name."

You scream as the knife is buried into your forearm and is cut over and over again. Tears fall down your face and you thrash around. You barely notice a shout from above the deck and a loud thumping.

When the man is finished, he laughs at you as you continue to thrash. You shut your eyes. A scream of your name makes you stop. Then, the sound of a sword hitting metal. Your eyes open slightly at the sight of someone kneeling in front of you. You scream as hands grab you.

"___, ___! It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. It's me."

"H-Hiccup?" You ask, throwing your arms around his neck. The men lay unconscious on the floor. "Oh thank the gods!"

"You're okay," he says. "You're okay." His arms wrap around you, rubbing your back, caressing your hair. "What did they do to you?" He asks, pulling away. You freeze, suddenly aware of the stinging on your arm. You step back and hold it out in front of you. The word 'Dagur' is carved in small scraggly print on your arm. Tears fill your eyes and you cover your mouth with one hand. Hiccup holds your arm and caresses the burning skin. "It's okay," he whispers. You slowly nod and wipe your tears away. "Let's go home."

"Okay," you whisper.

On the deck, Toothless waits with your dragon. You run up and hug your dragon, stroking it's neck. Hiccup holds you close, kissing your hair and patting (d/n)'s head. You look around. "Where is he?" You ask. Hiccup knows you mean Dagur.

"He's currently swimming," he says. You laugh and kiss Hiccup.

"I love you," you say.

"I love you too. Home?"

"Home. But no races this time, okay?"

Hiccup laughs. "Alright," he says, pressing his lips to yours once again.

Hiccup x Reader One Shots (NOT TAKING ANY MORE REQUESTS)Where stories live. Discover now