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Requested by clarinetgirl301 (or her friend). This takes place during the final battle at the end of HTTYD2. I've only seen it once and honestly, I can't remember every detail. But I tried my best so, enjoy!


The sudden roaring of dragons erupted outside of your home in Berk. You stopped making your tea and looked out the window. What was happening? You hear a low growl coming from beside the fireplace. "(D/n)?" You ask your dragon that is now sitting up, eyes fixated on the window. "(D/n)? What is it?" Your dragon's eyes shrink and growls at you. You back away and watch as your dragon fly out of the window, shattering the glass.

You cover your head before running out the door. Dragons fill the sky, heading towards a huge dragon. You gasp and stop in your tracks. Where was Hiccup? Vikings are looking up at the sky in fear. You shake your head. Something's wrong. You should've gone with Hiccup anyways! You should've followed him, despite his pleas for you to stay. He wanted to protect you, so he left you where he was sure you'd be safe.

So much for that.

You run closer, looking for anyone to help. Hiccup? Snotlout? Stoick? Did any of them come back? Suddenly, you see Toothless. You smile. Hiccup's here and everything- but the rider's not Hiccup. It's a tall man, with dark hair and a wicked smile. "Your chief is dead!" He shouts. You gasp. Dead?

"Drago!" A familiar voice shouts. Hiccup! Hiccup and a trail of the others land, hopping off of the backs of baby dragons. You run in his direction, whispering his name. Two new Vikings stand with him. Stoick's gone. Your heart sinks. It's true, then.

The fight begins just like that. The huge "alpha" roaring in anger and fighting dragons. You had to help. There was no way to win this. You climbed up the side of the hill, reaching for your side. As Drago flies by on Toothless, you throw it. It hits Drago's shoulder and he falls off of Toothless, tumbling down to the hill. Toothless roars in fury and lands in front of you, staring at you in anger. "Toothless?" You ask, backing away.

"___!" You hear Hiccup scream. "___, no!" You look away to see Hiccup running in your direction.

Drago smiles at the sight but says, "Stop, dragon." Toothless falls back and Drago points his weapon at the alpha. The alpha looks over in his direction and then he points to you. The alpha stares at you, and your eyesight becomes blury. Your brain stops working. All you see is darkness.

"___!" Hiccup screams, running to your side. You don't look at him, your eyes staring back at the alpha. Hiccup shakes your shoulders. "___?" He angrily looks at Drago. "What did you do to her?" He asks.

Drago laughs. "She's under the control of the alpha now."

"Let her go," Hiccup says. "Now!"

Drago laughs and shakes his head. You slide your knife out of your belt and Hiccup looks down at it. "It's over," Drago says.

"No, ___- Don't-" You ignore his voice, not really hearing it. He was an enemy. A danger. And you needed to rid of him. You turn to him and tighten your grip on the knife. You shove him down and kick him in the side. He doesn't fight back. What is he supposed to do? He can't kill you. He loves you. "___, please," He whispers, grimacing in pain as he tries to sit up. You kick him again and leap on him, pinning his arms to the ground and holding the knife above you, pointing it at his throat. "___," He says calmly. "___, listen to me, you don't need to do this. I know you're in there." Something inside you makes you pause. "He's making you do this. I know you. You'd never hurt me, you'd never hurt anyone. Neither would Toothless. He did this to you and I couldn't protect you from it. I'm sorry." You blink once, your eyesight returning. Before you can do anything, it,disappears again. "Come back to me, ___. Please. I love you. You're my best friend, and I'm sorry. I love you."

You blink. Who's saying this? Your eyesight returns and you see his bright green eyes, looking up at you with such hope. "Hiccup?" You whisper.

"Yeah," He whispers. "I knew you could do it."

You throw the knife away. You were going to kill him. "Oh gods, Hiccup, I was going to-" You can't finish. You drop your head to his chest and sob. "I love you, I'd never do that!"

"Hey, hey, I know. He made you do it." Hiccup hugs you tightly and sits up. "Come on, we've go to finish this." You nod and stand up, pulling Hiccup beside you. He takes both of your hands, looking at the mess of war around. He looks down at you. "We can do this."

"Together?" You ask.

"Together," He says, pressing his lips to yours. "Now let's go get my dragon back."

Hiccup x Reader One Shots (NOT TAKING ANY MORE REQUESTS)Where stories live. Discover now