Chapter 3: Caramel and Blues

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"Oops, I'm sorry madam, I did not mean to bump into you." The child apologised profusely at her. He look to be around six years of age.

"It's okay, dear. I am also at fault, I am deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice you. What are you doing dear child?" Alessa asked while ushering the boy towards one of the benches scattered in the area and tried to engage the child into conversation. She and her husband were attending a wedding of one of her friend's daughter and they are now at the reception. She just took a walk around the area because she is feeling agitated, but she doesn't know the reason why, maybe Ethan's agitation caught up with her.

"I am admiring the architectural design of the building madam. I just love architecture." The child explained while beaming at her.

"Is that so? And may I know, what type of design does this building have?" She asked, indulging the boy's enthusiasm. She knows that perhaps she is wasting her time talking to this smart boy, but she doesn't want to stop. She's been waiting for a grandchild for a long time, and Claire happened to deliver one just recently, a bundle of blessing and joy.

"This building has a Neoclassical style which is clearly evident on the symmetry, tall columns, elaborate doorways and evenly spaced windows. Buildings like this gives a feeling of nostalgia. Do you feel it as well?" She was aghast at how expertly the boy explained it to her. He reminds her so much of her eldest child - Ethan. He was also like this, very eager to the things he like and love.

She snapped out of her reverie when she felt a tug at her sleeve. She saw the boy waiting expectantly for her reply. "Yes, I do feel it too. Like we are living in the past while we are in this place. It's kinda magical, isn't it?" The boy beamed at her response, clearly happy with what she said.

"Are you here with your parents?" She suddenly asked as she realized that maybe his parents are looking for him.

"I'm with my mom and sister. Our mom made the wedding dress of the bride. It is quite fascinating watching her do so because she is making it like she's designing this building, with so much intricate details. Me and my sister loves watching her work." She listened attentively at the boy's rambling. She was about to ask something when they were interrupted with a shout.

"Nate! I've been looking all over for  you. Mom is looking for us, we are about to leave." A little girl came to them, brows furrowing. She is about the same age as the boy.

"I told you Ally that I will just roam around the building to admire its design. You know I love doing that." The boy said in defense but the girl countered it expertly.

"I know that, that is why I already circled the building but I cannot find you. And who is she? Mom said we should not talk to strangers." The girl asked while looking at her, brows almost connecting while pursing her lips.

When she looked closely she can see the resemblance for both have caramel colored hair and cerulean blue eyes. Although still young, she can see that the girl is already a looker. "Is she your sister?" She asked the boy.

"Yes, she is. We're twins actually and I am older than her." The boy explained while putting his hands at his hips, clearly proud of himself.

"You are older by only four minutes according to mom." The girl answered haughtily crossing her arms on her chest.

"Yes, still, I am older than you." The boy scowled at the girl.

She interrupted what she thinks is a full blown fight about to errupt.

"Hey, enough of that." She first turned to the boy and said. "You said you're older right?" At the boy's nod in response, she continued. "So you must always protect her and not fight with her." The boy's scowl lessened as he ponder on what she said.

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