Chapter 35: Regret and Guilt

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Ellie woke up with a start, confused and slightly disoriented. Her eyes surveyed the surrounding and realized she's at Nathan and Alessa's house. She stayed on the bed and noticed it is still dark outside, she reached for her phone on the bedside table and saw that is only four o'clock in the morning. Her attention was caught by a sudden movement beside her followed by an arm that reached for her and pulled her close. But unlike before, she didn't shout or scream murder, she knows it is Ethan and she felt secured.

She turned to fully face him and stare at his profile for a while. A smile formed on her lips on how peaceful he looks. She tried to rein herself to touch his face but failed.

'Still so handsome.'

She shook her head and sighed at her thought and wanted to blame her pregnancy for thinking that way.

Moving slowly, she let herself out of Ethan's embrace and started her day. She cooked and made breakfast for everyone. She was busy mixing rhe waffle mix when she heard a gasp.

"Oh Ellie, good morning, you're up early." Alessa said while approaching her.

"Hey, Alessa, good morning. Yeah, I woke up early, maybe because I slept early too and I totally missed dinner last night."

"I didn't wake you last night, you are sleeping soundly. Even Ethan let you sleep." Alessa added with a fond smile.

"So, what is the plan for tonight's dinner?" She asked while she laddle the batter in the preheated waffle iron.

"Oh, just the usual for us women, we will prepare dinner while the boys will prepare the bonfire and other stuff." Alessa answered while starting the coffee maker.

She eyed the machine and thought that she had completely forgotten about the coffee. Alessa may have noticed it for she waved her hand as if telling that it is not a problem.

Though it is not prohibited for a female with her situation to drink coffee, she already started limiting her caffeine intake to just a cup. But the smell of filtered coffee makes her stomach churn, that is why, she decided not to drink it at all. She took a deep breath and willed herself not to be affected of the smell. She just hopes that she is not in the kitchen when everyone will start to drink their daily dose, otherwise, her morning sickness will be a dead give away to her current situation.

They were busy preparing the table when an arm snaked on her waist, followed by a kiss on her neck, and based on his scent, she knows it is Ethan.

"Good morning darling." he greeted while his face is buried on her neck.

"Good morning." she greeted back with a smile and accepted the kiss he gave on her lips.

She blushed with the act when she noticed the smile Alessa is giving them. By then, everyone went down for breakfast, except for the kids. The meal was full of boasting by the males and laughter mainly by the females and ended when everything was finished.

Afterwards, the males left to do their task and the females were left to do the kitchen chores. Claire left later when Luke became fussy, so she was left with Alessa.

She is busy peeling the potatoes when Alessa spoke.

"I am glad that you and Ethan are okay. I never thought that a day will come that I will see my firstborn so happy. I made a great mistake that cost his happiness amd I regretted it ever since. So, thank you for giving him another chance at that happiness he so longed."

She stopped whatever she was doing and faced the older woman. Her statement made her happy but something from what she said caught her attention.

"What do you mean that you made a big mistake?" She asked in confusion and Alessa may have note the edginess on her voice because she became wary.

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