Chapter 20: Anxious and Overwhelmed

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Ethan is still in daze two days after he knew that he and Ellie had a child, and twins at that. His family kept on telling him to leave them for a while, otherwise, she might leave and run away just as Lucas said, but it is getting harder and harder each passing moment. He has so many questions he needed to ask Ellie, one of which is the one that Sean asked that night, did she even try to reach out? To tell him about the pregnancy.

He scrubbed his face with his hands and took a deep breath, this is driving him crazy, he feels he is going crazy. He continued walking to ang fro in his humungous family room inside his house.

"You'll ruin your floorboard, if you'll keep on doing that." A voice penetrated his hazy mind that he turned his head so fast, almost giving him a whiplash.

Lucas' raised brow made him irritated. He forgotten that he was here.

"Why are you here again?" He asked, letting irritation seeped through his voice. Lucas gave him his loopsided smile, which irked him the more. It may have shown on his face for Lucas grinned, with a clear intent of annoying him.

"Well, I am here to guard you and remind you not to bother them...yet." Lucas answered.

"So, the high ang mighty Lucas Gregory Harrison V has been reduced to a mere guard. So what are the instructions given to you?" He taunted him. He knows that what he is doing is wrong and Lucas is no way at fault, but the helplessness, agitation and impatience he is currently feeling made him do it.

He wanted to challenge someone into a fight, he wanted to hit something or be hit. It is the only way he thinks will make the storm inside him subside. If Ollie was here, he may have asked him for a fight, which he knows his brother will willingly obliged, but he is nowhere near, he is somewhere no one knows.

Lucas may have seen the inner turmoil he is currently fighting, for he lost the smirk he is wearing and stared at him, understanding shown in his eyes. He doesn't want it but he knows that that is what he needed. Someone who is willing to support him at this time, though only because he is following his wife's request or should we say order. He cannot fault his parents for not being here or meddling with his affairs, for he knows that they have been wary of him ever since that fateful day, years ago, especially when it comes to his decision with his personal life.

Taking a deep breath, he stared at Lucas and asked. "What do you mean by 'I shouldn't bother them just yet?'"

"I meant what I said and I said what I mean." Lucas answered him philosophically.

"Fine. Just when will that 'yet' be? An hour from now, tonight, may be tomorrow, the next day or maybe next year? Perhaps after ten years or once I am dying already?" His words became harsher as words flew out of his mouth but Lucas remained calm.

He kept quiet after that, sat on a nearby chair, leaned back and willed himself to relax. They stayed like that for sometime, silence settled between them but it is not nowhere near awkward, maybe the fact that Lucas understood him and what he's been through made it somewhat comfortable.

He didn't noticed that he fell asleep and was startled when Lucas shook him awake.

"Ethan, wake up, make yourself presentable. I'll wait outside."

His quipped statement made his brows furrowed in confusion. "Wha-what? Where are we going?"

Lucas stopped on his track because of his question and turned to him.

"Now is the 'yet' that I told you awhile ago. So get up, the time will not wait for you, unless you changed your mind about being with them."

It took him sometime to fully understand what Lucas have said for the fogged-like status of his brain made comprehension a little difficult. When understanding finally dawned on him, he quickly stood up and run towards his room, made a quick bath, shaved his two-days worth of beard and donned a casual shirt, denim jeans and jacket and slipped on his loafers.

He took his car key on the way out, locked the front door, boarded his car and followed Lucas who is already speeding ahead. All the while, his heart is thumping rapidly, anxious as to how Ellie will react finding him on her front door.

Will she close the door on his face or will she give him a chance to know their children? Will the twins warm up to him right away or will it be difficult for him to get their trust and affection?

These questions kept on repeating inside his head while they drove to Ellie's place, making him more antsy that his hands are shaking on the steering wheel. He took a deep breath to calm himself. It will not be good if he will met an accident when this is what he wanted for so long, to be with Ellie - again. To have his own family with her, to grow old with her and just be with her - and him having kids with her already is an added bonus.

So stopping his hands from shaking so much is a must and willing himself not to rush and exceed the speed limit is important. So carefully and diligently, he followed Lucas until they arrived in a commercial district where establishments line up on both sides. He saw Lucas turned right and parked in front of a dress shoppe and get out of his car, he did so as well and walked towards him.

"Where are we?" He asked while looking up at the establishment that seems to be close for the day. His eyes widen when he saw the name imprinted - it's Ellie's.

"This is her's." He heard Lucas said and saw him pointing towards their right.

"There's a stair leading to the second floor where they stay. Goodluck." Lucas said and tap him on his shoulder. He feels overwhelmed that he forgot to acknowledge what he said or even thanked him for doing this without him asking - a big favor for him, considering they are nowhere near friends before they became family.

A lump formed on his throat and tears threaten to fall from his eyes as his emotions overwhelmed him. He is nearer to them than he thought possible, his dream of being with them is now coming true and meeting his children for the first time will happen any moment from now.

His thoughts gave him strength and propelled him to step his foot in front of the other until he is almost running. He saw the stairs that Lucas said and went up to the second landing. He pushed the door bell and waited, readying himself for all the possibilities.

Seconds passed when he heard the clicking sound of a door unlocking. When the door cracked open his eyes drifted down and came face to face with a little girl. A girl with hazel brown hair and blue eyes - his eyes. It is clear to say that this girl is a female version of him. The girl's eyes widen at the sight of him, gasps, run inside and promptly shouted.

"Mama! There's a big guy in our front door that looks like Nate."


The two days that passed had been uneventful. Ethan didn't come barging her front door like she expected. But she is not letting her guard down, not yet, for she knows him. He will stay away for awhile but it doesn't mean that he will stay away for good, he is just bidding his time.

Her attention was caught by her children in a discussion whether they are going to get the chocolate flavored cereal or not. They are currently at the supermarket for their monthly groceries. She still skipped opening her shop today. She is still stressed and cannot focus on work even if she will opt to open it today.

The twins' deliberation lasted for five minutes before they came up to their final decision not to take the chocolate flavored cereal but they instead took the rainbow colored one. She doesn't mind their discussion since it is a way to hasten their decision-making skills. They finished shopping and she rechecked the list she is holding to verify whether she got everything and did not forgot all the important ones.

After paying at the cashier, she hauled the bags with a help of the grocery store personnel and they went home.

She is currently at the kitchen with the kids, putting all the groceries in their respective places when the doorbell rang.

"Ally, can you get the door please, do not unbolt it okay."

"Okay mama." Ally's quick reply before running towards the door.

The bag of peas she is currently holding fell when Ally shouted, not because she shouted but the reason behind it that echoed throughout the house.

"Mama! There's a big guy in our front door that looks like Nate."

This Time...Maybe - Anderson Family Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now