Chapter 12: Why? and Why Not?

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Eversince that day, Ellie experienced what people, who already fell in love says, the feeling of happiness even if your day was crappy. She cannot erase the smile she gives to everyone, yes, she is corteous and polite to people even before, but the difference is obvious, even Mandy can say that there is something different with her. She will just shrugged whenever she was asked as to what made her that way and will say that it is nothing.

Ethan kept coming at the cafe like before, bringing gifts as well. Nothing has changed for he is still his usual charming self, what changed was her treatment towards him. She is not the scowling and frowning one whenever he is around. She will greet him with the sweetest smile she can muster - Mandy's words, not hers. She can say that they have grown closer with each other since that day he saved her from the speeding car.

He also brings his clients whenever he could, helping them in some way with business.

She always go to the park, where they first met, during her day off and he will accompany her if he is not busy or if he have no plans to go home to his hometown. Which according to him is scheduled every month, for his mother wants them to be home for a family dinner, something that she finds endearing, and something that makes her miss her mother so much.

She cannot go home yet, not until she has a stable job and can support her mother in some way. Though Mrs. Harvey is still letting her work at the bakeshop, it was already hinted that one of her children will handle the business since Mrs. Harvey is already old. So it is possible that her mother will find herself jobless one of these days, so she really needed to find a job fast for both of them.

She already tried applying to some fashion houses and boutiques but no word came yet whether she had been accepted or not. So continuing to work at the cafe is still the better option in earning and saving money, though as of the moment, it is hard to save for her pay at the cafe is still the same as when she is still a student. Paying off some of their debts is taking toll as well. She sighed at her train of thoughts.

She jumped out of the bench she is sitting when somebody shouted behind her and found Ethan laughing out loud. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him - annoyed. When Ethan saw her reaction, he suddenly stopped, though a chuckle can still be heard that he so wanted to control.

"It is not funny." She said while continuously eyeing him in irritation.

When he was able to stop himself, his face became serious and said with a puppy-eyed expression.

"I'm sorry Ellie, you're just too deep in your thoughts that I cannot help myself to startle you. Forgive me, please."

She wanted to keep the feeling of annoyance but his expression changed that, for he looks so boyish especially how his hair looks while the wind is blowing it. She just masked her face with a raised brow and a pout to keep herself from smiling.

"I'll buy you three scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream with marshmallow and sprinkles on top, just forgive me, please." He continued asking for forgiveness while doing his 'sorry' face.

"Make it four and with an extra cone." She said challenging him to refuse her condition. Her brow raised a little higher when he only said yes and speed off to the ice cream stand nearby. He came back with two bowls of ice cream, handed her one with her favorite flavor.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked after he gave her the ice cream. She didn't say anything and proceeded to eat it. She saw his face fell - remorseful, when she kept her silence.

"Now your forgiven." She said after she finished half of the bowl. He stared at her with his blue eyes and heartfully said, "Thank you and I am really sorry."

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