Chapter 14: Yes and No

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A/N: so sorry for the very late update, got caught up with work and some personal matters.

Hope you will continue your support with my work(s), really appreciate it.

Happy reading ;)

Ethan spent two weeks with his family before he went back to where Ellie is. Though he surely had a very good time with his family and friends, he also spent a good amount of time helping in their construction business. Although he did so, his heart and mind constantly went to the woman he so wanted to see. So, after two weeks, he gave in to the want that he tried to supress. It's Saturday so she must be at the park like she usually does, and true enough, he spotted her at her usual spot eating her ice cream. He stayed at his place for awhile while watching her and though he is far, he can see that she is quite pensive. Her ordinarily cheerful way while munching the ice cream is gone, she also seems lost in her thoughts, like she is here but isn't.

He decided to stay back a little more time and continued to watch her, another minute passed when he willed himself to approach her, noticing that she didn't saw him coming and standing in front of her, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Hey, Ellie."


Ellie decided to vanquish whatever hopes she had for Ethan's return when two weeks already passed without him contacting her or visiting the cafe. She forced herself to get used to his absence and go back to how her life before she met him, so him standing in front of her, giving her his signature smile is somewhat discomfitting that she blinked several times in order to be sure that he is really here. She wanted to cry for reasons she doesn't know when she heard him speak.

"Hey Ellie."

Her jaw dropped several centimeters at the sight of him. His hair is longer than the last time she saw him and he grew a little bit of a beard, which made her brows rose higher.

Her current expression is somewhat funny, watery eyes, shock-evident, brows raised and knitted, mouth agape forming an 'O', and her ice cream is melting already.

Other man may feel disgusted or turned-off with how she currently look, but not him, for he finds her expression cute and endearing. He maybe biased towards her, but what can he do? He love her, with all there is to her and with everything she has, may it be positive or negative, may it be beautiful or disgusting to look at. The acceptance of another being without judgement, that is love, and that is how strong he felt towards her. The woman in front of him who is still in shock which made him nervous. He squat in front of her and shook her slightly, just enough to snap her out of the trance that she was in. With the action, a sob came out of her that became a full blown cry, with snoot and all. He was caught off guard and dumbfounded with what is happening, especially when  she suddenly launched herself to him which made him lost his balance and he found them both on the ground, her ice cream forgotten and is now melting on the grass beside them.

He did what he can only do, he hugged and comforted her, whispering words meant to pacify whatever it is that had made her like this. He also put her on his lap and let her cry on his shoulder, not minding that his shirt is soaked with her tears, until it subsided into hiccups. When her cry became quiet, he distanced her from him, cupped her cheek and stare into her face and with so much tenderness he didn't know he possess, he asked.

"What's wrong darling?"

He waited patiently until her eyes met his, and he waited until she answered his question, all the while rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Thankfully she didn't avoid his touch, his gaze as well while answering his querry.

This Time...Maybe - Anderson Family Series Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora