Chapter 33: A Date and A Song

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A/N: sorry for the delay everyone, the past weeks have been a rollercoaster, with preparation of this pandemic (yours truly is a healthcare worker btw), hope I am forgiven.

I hope and pray that this update will find you all well and safe and it may be enough to make you happy.

Hope you will like this chapter. Happy reading ;)

Ellie's eyes got rounded due to the kiss, for it is not to be labeled as simple, good morning kiss, but an open-mouthed, tongue-clashing and carnal one. It made her knees weak that if not for the tight hold of Ethan, she may have fallen on the floor in a heap.

She didn't notice how long the kiss lasted, but it was Ethan who let go.

"Now, that's a good morning," he murmured huskily while still peppering kisses on her lips.

"Let go darling or the breakfast you prepared will go cold," he said that made her frown. Her mind cannot process what he said, it may have shown on her face, and it made him chuckle.

"My hair darling. Let go." She gasped at what he said and found that she is still clutching his hair. She cannot remember when her hands traveled to his head and she groaned.

"Don't do that darling or I'll have you for breakfast," he said, kissing her lips one more time before letting her go.

"Sit darling," he instructed her while pulling her chair.

Like a robot following every command, she sat quietly and started eating the food that Ethan put on her plate. Still bewildered at the turn of events, she didn't notice Ethan's grin and just keep on eating. They finished their breakfast in complete silence and Ethan washed the dishes, she let him be and opted to call Alessa to talk to the twins. Someone pick up her call at the second ring, and Ally's voice rang through.

"Hello, momma, how are you?"

"Hi baby, I am fine. How are you? Where is Nate?"

"We are fine momma and Nate is still asleep." Her daughter answered sweetly.

"Okay, how are grandma and grandpa? Are they with you?"

"Yes, grandpa is watching sports and grandma is in the kitchen."

"You know what momma?"

"What baby?"

"Uncle Sean came yesterday and he brought us to his garage. Nate was so happy."

"Really? Nate was so happy? How about you?"

"It's okay, I guess?"

"You guess, you're not sure?"

"Ahmmmm -" she heard her sigh.

"What is it baby?"

"Am I not nice if I say that I didn't like it as much as Nate?" Ally asked suddenly.

"No baby, it's fine if you do not like something like Nate does."

"Okay momma, actually I do not like it that much."

"Care to tell me why?"

"Because it is full of cars and motorcycles. I like dresses better."

She tried to suppress her laughter at her daughter's explanation. She cleared her throat first before speaking.

"Did you told your Uncle Sean that you do not like coming to his garage?"

"No momma, of course not! I don't want to hurt Uncle Sean's feelings."

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