Chapter 11: Ethan and Ellie

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Ethan woke up in a different surrounding and suddenly became nervous. He was about to scamper out of bed when he suddenly remembered everything that happened yesterday, especially the lady's invitation for him to stay the night, one he obviously accepted. Not a first time for him though. But this is the first time that nothing sexual happened, the first time to find himself on the bed, where he slept with a woman and able to kept his clothes on.

He took a deep breath and stayed on the bed for another minute wondering how she will react with finding him in her bed sound asleep. Will she thinks that he took advantage of her situation yesterday? For if she will, it will pose a big problem for him. Considering just only yesterday he was able to speak to her, though due to an unfortunate event.

He kept on pondering what to do before he finally decided to stand up. Took the covers off himself and fixed the bed, then walked out the room and found her in front of the stove, cooking what seems to be a scrambled egg.

He was about to greet her when she suddely spoke without looking up.

"There's coffee and I know that you like one. I am about to finish, so sit and be comfortable."

He took a cup from the cabinet where he saw one while looking for the utensils last night and prepared his coffee as how he likes it. Then took the chair by the table, one that is situated where he can see her directly when she turns. Still watching her cooks while sipping his coffee, he kept his silence, hoping and praying that her face will show how she feels this morning after the events yesterday. Wondering still, if she remembered how he ended up beside her on her bed and what will be her reaction. But as far as the situation goes, she is not mad for she didn't scream when she woke up and is now cooking some breakfast, so it is quite a good sign.

Still quietly sipping the coffee he made for himself, he watched her work in the kitchen and thanked her when she put the plate of buttered toast and scrambled egg in front of him. They ate their breakfast quietly, the sound of utensils the only sound that can be heard. Not being able to take the silence anymore, he asked still with care on his voice.

"How are you feeling?"

He heard her sigh before answering. "I am fine, thank you for asking. Thank you for yesterday and for last night as well."

"Do you remember what happened last night?"


Ellie was taken aback by the question, she can say that she did remember but the truth is, her memory of last night is kinda blurry. She almost screamed the house down when she woke up and found herself tucked safely beside him. She spent a good five minutes staring at his profile before she got up calmly, assessed her body and found nothing amiss, except for some bruises and the wound on her knee - the results of yesterday's happening.

She contemplated whether to tell him the truth, that she doesn't have a clear memory of last night or if she will lie and tell him that she did remember and let it go nonchalantly.

Her mind decided to lie but her mouth seems to have a mind of its own and found herself telling him the truth.

"It's blurry actually. I cannot remember everything." She said in an almost whisper.


Ethan expected her to lie or to evade his question so he was quite shocked hearing her response that he almost choked what he is chewing.

He coughed to cover it up and stare at the woman he is so interested with, that said woman who still refuses to look at him.

He cleared his throat before he speak. "Do you want to ask me what happened?" His question made her look at him and he bask at the moment when he got to stare at her eyes again that he smiled. He saw her blinked rapidly before she nodded.

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