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I watched Belle as she leaned over the counter of the bakery in the lobby of our hotel.

Her curly hair was thrown up into a pile on top of her head.

Her neck was exposed to me and my eyes trailed over the clear skin. Skin that would look even better with my mark over them.

I looked over her body, the sweater hung off her shoulders and exposed her mid drift. Her pants were like a second skin and trust me when I say this- her ass moved with each and every step she took.

I wasn't the only one who noticed, it seemed my Belle caught many's attention. Especially the douche bag across the counter.

I glared at him, but only when he tore his eyes off of Belle's cleavage did he notice. I growled lowly and pulled her into my chest.

Belle yelped while stumbling into me and narrowed her eyes at me. I kept my gaze on the kid five feet away.

"Take her order instead of eye fucking her. It's not what you're paid to do," I spoke through clenched teeth and watched him pale.

Belle didn't react much and pointed to the pastries she wanted. When we finally got what we came for she grabbed my hand instinctually and I smirked.

I guided her to the exit and knew my men were following. My driver opened our door and I watched her crawl in.

Belle didn't give a damn about what was going on around her as she ate and hummed to herself.

I was almost envious of her bliss. Her silence was broken as she glanced up at me, licking the sugar from her lips. I unconsciously mimicked her, craving a taste.

"I'm still trying to figure you out Milano," she eyed me up and down. "I still don't understand why you've kept me around for so long. And! Yesterday you couldn't stand me."

My brown eyes met her baby blues and I felt compelled to spill my guts. Fuck, what mafia boss could acquire such a weakness in less than a week?

I could withstand days of torture- weeks even. But one look at her and I have no idea how I'd fair.

I sighed heavily and rested my head against the seat. "I don't understand either Mia Bella."

"That's quite the predicament, Mr. Marcello," she answered cheekily. If only she knew.

"Indeed Ms. Christiano." And with that, she offered me a bite of her bagel.

When we arrived Marcello opened the door for me and we stepped into a very loud house. It sounded like a woman and man arguing.

As we stepped into the living room I saw Frankie's silhouette and suddenly a vase flying my way.

I was lurched to the left and enveloped in a large, muscular body. Marcello cradled me against his body while unholstering his gun.

Without thinking I grabbed his other that he always kept tucked in the back of his pants. I kept one arm wrapped around him while pointing my gun in the same direction Marcello was.

My jaw dropped when I saw a fuming pregnant woman. She was very pregnant.

If I was that pregnant I'd be throwing things too.

I quickly lowered my weapon when I saw she was crying and turned to Marcello while slowly tucking it back where I got it.

I bit my lip as the urge to squeeze his cheeks overwhelmed me. I tried to hide my smile at the thought and he raised a brow at me as he put his own gun away. I dragged my hands to his front before detaching. A little teasing never hurt anyone.

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