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After I bid everyone a goodbye I turned to Marcello who stood over me.

"Want cake? There's leftovers."

"I would hope, that things fucking massive." I pursed my lips at the truth to his words. I didn't think ahead of how large our cake would be.

"But no thank you, beautiful. I have that thing to show you." 

Marcello grabbed my hand and I followed him obediently. He took me to a part of the house I hadn't explored much and I gazed at the decorations around me.

Suddenly we were in front of a black sliding door and I stared at it in confusion.

He quickly opened it and my eyes widened at the theatre room. I started hopping in excitement. A medium sized table next to one of the plush, leather chairs had wine and food I couldn't make out quite yet. It looked like pasta, unsurprising.

I jumped to hug Marcello and kissed his cheek sloppily, "oh this is so nice Cello! How did I not know about this room?"

He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly while I looked up at him.

"I talked to Corrine and she said you'd like this more than dressing up for the first date. She gave me movie suggestions and I figured out the rest."

I turned his head towards mine and quickly covered his lips with mine. I kissed him passionately as he groaned in surprise. Our tongues tangled aggressively and I found myself being shoved against the wall behind me.

I ran my hand over his shoulder before trailing it down his broad chest. His knee parted my thighs and pushed his own against my crotch.

His breath hitched when I slid my hand up his shirt and gently raked my nails down to his belt buckle. I unconsciously rocked my hips against his thigh to relieve the ache he's caused.

Just as I moaned while riding his thigh and had gotten my hand past his boxers he pulled away abruptly.

"Dinner... date. We're having this date." He sounded reluctant and as if he was trying to convince himself. I held in my whimpers while I released him.

He guided me over to the chair closest to the food. I saw he was going to sit in the chair next to me and quickly pushed him into mine and sat on him.

He grunted while I plopped into his lap. I sat criss cross applesauce on top of him while he raised a brow at me.

I shrugged innocently before leaning over to check out the food he got. I licked my lips and lifted the cover to see he brought fettuccini alfredo. A bottle of red wine was right next to it and I couldn't hide my excitement.

I grabbed my plate and noticed there was only one and rolled my eyes. He wanted me in his lap this entire time.

Either way I reached up to peck his waiting lips, "thank you."

He reached under the table and gripped several movies.

"She said you liked action and horror. I don't know how that'll make a date, but it's whatever you want. I have others in case-"

I grinned and grabbed John Wick quickly. He smirked and within minutes the lights were dimmed and the movie was playing.

We ate quietly and soon enough the pasta was gone and I didn't hesitate to pour myself a glass.

I curled up against Marcello and smiled at where I was right now. A few weeks ago this was merely a fantasy- being with someone. I breathed him and tucked my head against his shoulder. We watched the film while talking about random things. He had his arms wrapped around my legs to hold me closely while whispering things about the characters.

He mostly made fun of them, ruining the thriller part of this movie and making me crack up.

"You can't make fun of Keanu Reeves. He's a legend in the Matrix."

"I could make fun of plenty of things in the Matrix."

"If you do I will not be happy Mister Milano."

"Yeah, yeah." He kissed my forehead as the lights flashes against his skin.

After a movie and a half the wine had made me sleepy, but not yet out of it. It also made me rather horny.

When I lost interest in Transformers I quickly turned my attention to Marcello who was already looking at me.

I turned to straddle him and placed his hands on my thighs. Marcello had wrapped us in a blanket during the first movie and I greatly appreciated right about now.

I latched onto his jaw as I tightened my thighs around him. He grunted as his fingers threaded my hair.

"Watch the movie bambina," his voice was strained as I licked at the base of his neck. I hummed while ignoring him before I nipped at his pulse.

A low groan sounded from his chest as I sucked on the sensitive skin. I slipped my hands under his shirt while caressing his abs.

Once again I attempted to unbuckle his belt and just as I got it undone Marcello grabbed my wrist.

"Bella, I want an appropriate first date. You don't need to do anything, I want you to enjoy tonight."

"Who's to say I won't enjoy giving you a blow job?" I unzipped his pants but once again my hands were halted and wrapped around his neck. I sulked and slumped against him as our noses brushed one another.

"You can give me head any other day you want, princessa but I want tonight to be about you."

"You're saying no to blow jobs?"

Marcello smirked at my struggle to comprehend his words.

"No blow jobs tonight."

"Normal men don't say no to blow jobs."

"I'm not a normal man," he gripped my chin. "But I am your man so no one else gets your lips wrapped around their cock. Not now, not ever. That mouth is mine to fuck."

I had just drenched my panties while I nodded quickly, "words fidanzata."

"Yes Marcello. But remember you said just not tonight, no promises for any other times so stay alert."

He chuckled while nodding and swooping down to kiss me. I lazily reciprocated as I grew more and more tired.

"You can sleep Belle." I nodded against his shoulder while inhaling his scent that never ceased to calm my nerves.

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