Monokuma's Announcement

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  Everyone quickly walked to the gym, wondering what the hellish bear wanted this time.

  They stood infront of the stage, awaiting Monokuma's announcement.

They waited.

And waited.

Right when they thought it was a trick, the little despair loving bear popped up from behind the podium.

  "(whats up fuckers) Hello students!" He shouted happily.

  No one looked impressed by the bears entusiasm in the slightest.

  Monokuma looked out to see how little students were left, "Wow! I would have been surprised by how little your numbers are, but then I remembered poor Kaito and Kokichi bit the dust the other day."

  Shuichi's heart ached at the mention of the boy's name. How dare the bear mention his death. He wanted to cry again. But he wouldn't show the bear his weakness.

Monokuma continued, "Anywhooooo. I suppose I should give my announcement now?"

Everyone nodded at the retorical question.

"Well, the audience has been noticing how little momentum has been picking up lately with how little of you are left. You see, no one wants to kill now! But, that's not the only worry from the veiwers..." Monokuma almost looked embarassed to say this, "Apparently theres no more appeal to romance."


"Romance? What do you mean?" Maki asked.

"You see, since all of your love interests are dead, you all have one less motive to kill, as well as one less interesting thing going on to get the audience riled up!"  

Everyone was confused.

  "So? What does that have to do with anything?" Tsumugi asked.

  "Its been decided that everyone's romantic interests will be revived and brought back. For one week."
Shuichi's eyes widened, "So you can bring Ko- Our love interests back? How?"

  "Magic, isn't it?!" Himiko asked, exided for once.

"Tecnicaly, if you want to call it that." Monokuma stated.

  Monokuma got off the podium, "Alright, everyone please state your love interest when I point to you."

"No one. Unfortunately." Kiibo said. Sadened that he couldn't bring anyone back.

"Same for me." Tsumugi said.

"Kaito..." Maki said quietly, blushing and playing with her hair.

"Tenko!" Himiko shouted.

Monokuma pointed to Shuichi, "Its all you, kid."

  Shuichi panicked. He of course wanted Kokichi back. But he didn't want anyone else to know. They knew he mourned the death, but he did'nt want them to know the reason why.

  "Times a' tickin' kid." Shuichi gulped and whispered, "Kokichi. Please." The bear giggled,

  "Puhuhu..Kokichi, huh?" He said loudly, catching onto the boy's secretism.

  Shuichi blushed harshly and looked to the floor.

  No one was surprised. Not a single person.

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