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(Uh-oh cheerios)

Kokichi was shocked at the boy's reply. Even he couldn't deny his cheeks were a bit red at this point.

  Shuichi looked down and fumbled with his sleeves, hoping Kokichi would just let him down easy now and spare his feelings.

There was a moment of awkward silence. Oh no.


"It's alright, Kokichi. Just let me down easy."

Kokichi didn't want to lie. He wanted to tell Shuichi his feelings as well..but...he really didn't know.

Its not that he didn't like the taller boy. No. He had liked the taller boy for a while now.

But..he just didn't want it. He didn't want shuichi to fall for someone like him. He didn't want to hurt Shuichi with his arrogance.

  He took a deep breath and had to lie, "Im sorry...I-"

Before he could finish, Shuichi ran out the door.

"Wait!" Kokichi tried to catch him, but the smaller boy knew he had fucked up reaaal bad.


Shuichi ran to his room with tears in his eyes. Once he got to the door he fumbled with his keys and opened it, running in and slamming the door behind him. He flopped onto his bed and sobbed into his pillows.

He knew that Kokichi could never feel the same. Why would he? Kokichi was a beautiful, intelligent, adorable supreme leader. And. Well. Shuichi was just an emo, good for nothing detective.

Shuichi eventually cried himself to sleep, wishing he would never wake up.

The next morning Kokichi made his way to the dinning hall, fully expecting people to loath seeing him again.

He walked in and was surprised to see everyone's more neutral expeession.

Huh. I guess it's harder to hate someone when you watched them die.

Kokichi sat down at the very end of the table opposite to everyone. Everyone's eyes were immediately on him.

It couldn't have been because he was brought back, because Tenko and Kaito were stairing as well.

  What was wrong? Was there something in his hair? Did someone write on his face while he was sleeping?

"Kokichi.." Tsumugi chimed in, "Where is Shuichi?"

"What? Oh...I...uh...I guess in his room, probably."

"But, why isnt he with you? He asked for you to-"

"I kind of...rejected him."

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted simotaneousley.

Kokichi flintched at their voices.

"How could you, man!" Kaito asked, clearly angry.

Kokichi looked around nervously, "I just wasn't ready...I was going to tell him that, but I only got one word out before he ran off!" Kokichi explained.

"And you didn't go after him!?" Maki asked.

"I thought I had already caused enough damage." Kokichi pleaded.

Kiibo sighed, "Kokichi, you need to go talk to him."


"No, Kokichi!" Kiibo said angerly.

Kokichi flintched at the sudden outburst.

  "You don't understand, Kokichi! After you died he was a mess!"


"He stopped eating, he never left his dorm, he tried to hurt himelf.."

"H-he did?"

"Luckily I caught him before ge got to far the first time, but im certain he did it again."

Kokichi started to tear up.

  Jesus. He was being...such..
such a jerk! How could he do that to Shuichi?

Kokichi sat up, "Im sorry!"

Everyone looked shocked at the word 'sorry' leaving the boy's mouth.

"Im so damn dense! Ugh! Im going to go apologize right now."

  Kokichi ran to Shuichi's dorm and knocked on the door, "Shuichi? Please open up!"


"Shit!" Kokichi thought quickly, "What to do...ah!" He pulled a bobby-pin out of his hair and started to pick the lock.

  After a minute, he opened the door and ran in. He was releived to see the taller boy had just been asleep.

He sighed and pulled the blanket over the boy. He looked down at Shuichi's face. Kokichi giggled to himself, "So cute."

  He found himself ruffling the boys hair. It was so soft. He smiled as he noticed afew little things about the boy.

1. Having his hair ruffled made him blush softly, evident by the gentle blush that formed on the boy's cheeks after Kokichi had started playing with it.

2. He snored. Not loudly or obnoxious, it was quite soft and cute.

3. When he blushed, it went to his ears. I mean, duh, but for Shuichi, it was quite evident.

Kokichi smiled and blushed like a dork as he stared at the boy. He had forgotten just how beautiful he was.

He giggled when he saw Shuichi's eyes open, "Morning sleepyhead~"

The Return of the Supreme Leader {Oumasai}Where stories live. Discover now