Chapter #3

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Haneul tightly held onto her medication bag as she walks out of the hospital not knowing what to do with the baby. She obviously knew that this baby came from the night of the accident that happened 2 months ago and of course she wasn't ready to be a mother. As she was walking to her car, she spotted someone leaning against her car. That person turns around only to make Haneul's eyes widen.


Haneul said it in an angry tone as Jungkook licks his lips to make it moisturize and walks closer to her. As Jungkook was walking to her, she shook her head and walks past him only to be held back by him holding onto her arm as he walks back in front of her.

"Look. I know that I'm the last person you want to see right now, but it's important."

Haneul scoffed as she yanks her arm from his hold and took a few steps away from him creating some distance.

"What could be so important that you have to come this far in seeing me in person?"

"I know that you're pregnant."

Jungkook blurted it out as Haneul's angry expression went emotionless.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Haneul denied as Jungkook frowns and walks towards her.

"Don't lie to me, Haneul. I overheard the conversation between you and the doctor."

Haneul was confused when Jungkook confessed to her. She was even more confused to how he knows her name. Ever since the accident between them 2 months ago, they never met each again.

"First of all, how rude of you to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation. Second of all, you're a stalker to know where exactly I am and third of all, how do you know my name?"

Hanuel's statement made Jungkook froze on his spot as he blames himself for exposing informations that he shouldn't have. As silence surrounds them, Haneul shook her head once again and walked away to her car and drove off leaving Jungkook behind. But once he was back to reality from his mind, he quickly ran to his car and told the driver to hurry and drive to her house.

Haneul ran inside the house as Mrs. Kang walked to her with a worried expression.

"What did the doctor say? Are you sick?"

Mrs. Kang asked as Haneul walks to her mother and gave her an assurance smile and shook her head.

"No, mom. The doctor said that I'm fine. I'm just really stress lately and didn't get enough sleep."

Mrs. Kang nodded her head and were about to ask something but the doorbell ring interrupting their conversation. Mrs. Kang went to go see who it is as Haneul tries to take deep breaths. As she was trying to calm down her breathing, she heard her mother yelling and heard someone walking into the living room. Haneul rolled her eyes after when seeing Jungkook himself along with Mrs. Kang following from behind.

"Trespassing into someone's home without permission could get you into huge trouble."

Mrs. Kang said as Jungkook turned around to her.

"I don't come here with bad intentions. I come here to talk to your daughter."

"What business do you have with my daughter?"

"She's pregnant with my child."

Once Jungkook told the truth, Haneul's eyes widen as the same goes to Mrs. Kang. Jungkook turned back around to Haneul as Mrs. Kang looks at her.

"Is this true, Haneul. You're pregnant?"

Mrs. Kang asked as Haneul continue to panic. Mrs. Kang then walk towards her and gently held onto both of her hands.

"Haneul-ah. Are you really pregnant?"

Mrs. Kang asked again but with a more soft tone as tears starts streaming down Haneul's cheeks, while slowing nodding her head. Mrs. Kang closes her eyes as tears also stream down from her cheeks. Mrs. Kang then turned to face Jungkook.

"How did this happen?"

Mrs. Kang asked as Haneul hugs her mother from behind.

"It happened 2 months ago. I was drunk and I thought Haneul was someone else and I touched her that night. I'm really sorry."

Jungkook apologized as Mrs. Kang tries to keep her calm. Mrs. Kang then tilt her head to Haneul.

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I was scared. I thought everything would end that day and besides. He and I told each other that we wouldn't tell anyone what happened that night."

Haneul said as Mrs. Kang couldn't keep her tears from leaking down her cheeks.

"But I'm not going to let him take responsibility for it."

Haneul said as Jungkook's eyes widen.

"What do you mean? I'm the father of the child, I should take responsibility for it. It's my job."


Haneul snapped at him as she came up from behind her mother and stood high and tall in front of him, while wiping away her tears.

"Your job is to stay away from me and my family. I have nothing to do with you and this child doesn't change anything. I will take care of this child on my own."

Haneul said as she walks away without giving Jungkook a chance to speak. As he was going after her, Mrs. Kang stood in his way while giving him the mother look.

"You should go back home before your wife gets angry."

Mrs. Kang said as Jungkook looks down at her with a frown.

"Yeah, I know who you are. I won't let my daughter be your mistress in that house and get bullied for it. If you're only here just because she's pregnant than you can forget about your responsibility. Now get out of my house before I call the cops."

Mrs. Kang said as she walks away from him and to her daughter. Jungkook sighs, closes his eyes, and pushing back his hair with his hand in frustration.

Haneul was crying to herself as she sat on the ground, leaning against the wall, while looking out the window. Mrs. Kang then walks up to her and sat down next to her trying to find ways to comfort her.

"What am I going to do, mom? I'm not ready to be a mother."

Mrs. Kang hugs her as Haneul cries in her mother's embrace.

"It's going to be okay, Haneul. When the time comes, I'll help you take care of the child."

Mrs. Kang said as Haneul looks up at her with red swollen eyes.

"You're not alone in this, okay. I'm here for a reason."

Mrs. Kang said as Haneul went back into her mother's embrace as Jungkook stood behind the door listening to them. Jungkook didn't know what to do either. All of this was so unexpected and the only thing that comes to his mind is to take care of her and the baby. 

To Be Continued 

April 18, 2019

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