Chapter #28

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It's been over two hours and yet there was no news. Mrs. Jeon was also there along with Jimin and Mrs. Kang. Just a few chairs away from Jimin, there was Haneul sitting next to Jungkook with his head on her shoulder. She was holding onto his hand comforting him, while his eyes were kept on the entrance door of the ER.

After a while of silence, Jungkook lifted up his head and softly glance at Haneul. He gave her a weak smile and tightly held onto her hand that was on his.

"You should go get some rest. You're still healing from the surgery." Jungkook said as Haneul shook her head.

"I'm not leaving you alone." Haneul said making Jungkook shook his head and caresses her cheek.

"I got my mom here with me. Right now you're still healing and I need you to rest and get better." Jungkook said as Haneul sigh in defeat. She didn't know what else to say to make him change his mind.

Before Haneul could leave, the entrance of the ER opened revealing the doctor. All of them quickly stood up.

"How's my daughter?" Mrs. Jeon asked. The doctor gave her a heavy sigh, which made everyone tense.

"The surgery went smoothly but the patient is not off the danger list yet. The bullet hit her important organs of her chest area and she has lost a lot of blood. I want all of you to compose yourself." The doctor said as he left the scene. Mrs. Jeon then hugged Jungkook as they cry in each other's arms.

Somi was lying on the bed in the ICU room with wires and machines around her. Mrs. Jeon sobbed even harder seeing the scene in front of her. She quickly walked up to her and held onto her hand, while Jungkook took the other side.

"Somi, sweetie. Please don't leave us yet. You're still young and still have a lot that you want to do." Mrs. Jeon said as tears non-stop streaming down her cheeks. She softly and gently caresses Somi's hand.

"I still remember when you were eight years old, you told me that you wanted to marry your dream guy one day and I was confused because you were little and I thought you were kidding around, but when we were jokingly looking around the wedding dress store, you already found your dream wedding dress." Mrs. Jeon said as she caresses her head.

"So, you have to stay and complete that dream. You have to stay and walk down the aisle with your brother." Mrs. Jeon said through her sobs as she laid her head on her hand and softly cry. Jungkook then caresses her head and also held onto her hand.

"Mom's right. I also remember when we were young, you would always remind me to walk you down the aisle and I also remember that if I didn't, you would spank me with your slippers until I agree." Jungkook said while leaving a broken chuckle through his sobs. As his broken chuckle died down, sadness began to flow back into him. More tears streamed down his cheeks as he wipes them away only to have more tears come trekking down.

"You have to stay with us. You're my only sister that I have. We still have a lot more memories to make." Jungkook said as he continued to cry while caressing her head.

While Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook were praying in the ICU, Haneul and Jimin were standing outside the ICU and were watching through the window. Jimin were holding onto Haneul to make sure that she was stable. Jimin then let out a sigh.

"It's all my fault." Jimin said making Haneul turned to him with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Haneul asked as Jimin turned to her with a guilty look.

"If I didn't rush Jungkook to take care of Seolhyun and her mother, Somi wouldn't be in this position." Jimin explained himself as Haneul caresses his shoulder.

"You were only doing what you think is right. And if you didn't rush Jungkook, he would've done the same exact thing and Somi would still get injured. So it's not your fault." Haneul said while comforting him as Jimin looked back at Somi. The nurse then came walking into the ICU.

"I'm sorry, but you guys can't stay here. We're trying to stop the infection to spread. We want the patient to fully heal without any complications." The nurse said as both Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook looked back at her. Mrs. Jeon nodded her head as she stood up, but Jungkook stayed on his ground and didn't move. Mrs. Jeon walked over to him.

"Jungkook-ah, we have to go. We don't want anything to happen to Somi." Mrs. Jeon said as Jungkook continue to hold onto his sister's hand. Haneul sighs as she slowly walked into the ICU. She signaled Mrs. Jeon to move aside.

"Jungkook. I think we better listen to the nurse. If you really want Somi to quickly heal, we need to leave." Haneul softly said as she laid her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and finally nodded his head. The three of them then left the ICU room.

It's been a few weeks since everything that has happened. Haneul was almost fully healed and was now walking on her own. Jungkook and the rest of their family were constantly visiting her son and would also visit Somi. Haneul walked into Somi's room and saw Jungkook sleeping on the couch. She walked up to him and shook him up.

"Jungkook. Wake up." Haneul said as Jungkook tiredly woke up and smile when seeing Haneul.

"It's already noon. Go downstairs and try to find yourself something to eat. You haven't eaten anything since you got here." Haneul said as Jungkook nodded his head and got up from the couch. He was about to go but stopped when he sees that Haneul was not following him.

"You're not coming with me?" Jungkook asked as Haneul shook her head.

"You go and eat. I already ate when my mom brought food for me. I'll stay here and look over Somi." Haneul said as Jungkook nodded his head and tried to be quick. Once Jungkook left, Haneul walked up to her and sat down on a chair beside her bed.

"Somi-ah, you really need to wake up. Your mom and your brother are waiting for you. If you don't wake up, we won't have enough evidence to put Seolhyun in jail. She has been denying everything that Jungkook and Jimin had gave the information to the police. Of course, the cops aren't that stupid; they believe us. But of course you are also involved and they need the whole information. They want to hear it from you." Haneul said as she sighed and held onto her hand.

"You have to wake up, so that we can finally put Seolhyun down for good. Our justice is now in your hands." Haneul said as she silently prayed for Somi to hear her.

To Be Continued

September 12, 2019

His Surrogate | JJK ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ