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The king's guard go running around the city killing everybody.

I have my sword out ready to fight when I see Sansa.

"Sansa, you need to go back to your room now, they took your father. I'll take you...come on!"

She looks scared.

We run back to her room.

On the way there we run into a member of the king's guard.

"We are ordered to take Lady Stark in," he tells us.

"You wanna take her? Your gonna have to go through me first, "I tell him.

He strikes but I easily block it.

We get into a sword fight, he tries to stab me but I dodge it. I take the opportunity to stab him right in the stomach.

Sansa and I are almost to her room when we run into the hound.

"Stay away from me, I'll tell my father, I'll tell the queen," Sansa says.

I get my sword ready. I make Sansa stand behind me.

"Who do you think sent me?"

I try to fight back but its no use.

I mean he's the damn Hound.

He takes Sansa and I sit on the ground with a bloody nose.


I stand on the sides of the Throne Room. I see Sansa walk past me. She walks down the stairs.

The grand maester announces that Joffery as appointed Twyin Lannister, our grandfather, to be his hand.

My mother tells Ser Barristan that she is relieving him of his Knight duties. Which I don't think you can do.

After Ser Barristan leaves angrily Sansa speaks up.

"Your grace," she says.

"Come forward my lady," Joffery says.

"Do you have some business for the King and the council Sansa?" my mother asks.

Sansa goes to stand in the middle of the room.

"I do."

She gets down on her knees.

"As is please Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father Lord Eddard Stark who was Hand of the King."

"Treason is a noxious weed," The grand maester says, "It should be torn out, root-"

"Let her speak, I want to hear what she says," Joffery says.

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"Do you deny your fathers crime?" Littlefingers asks.

"No, My Lords. I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my Lord father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him. He never wanted to be hand until the king asked him. They must have lied to him- Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!"

"He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?"

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himself. Otherwise, he would have said it."

"A child's faith...such sweet innocence," says Lord Varys, "And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes."

"Treason is treason!" says Grand Maester Pycelle.

"Anything else?" Joffery asks.

"If you still have any affection in your heart for me please do me this kindness, Your Grace."

"Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess, he has to confess and say that I'm the King or there'll be no mercy for him."

"He will."


Everyone is crowded around yelling and screaming as they bring Ned out.

Everyone is yelling, traitor or coward at him.

I'm standing next to Sansa.

They bring Ned onto the stage.

"I am Eddard Stark...Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King."

He looks at Sansa and she nods.

"I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men I betrayed the faith of my king and the trust of my friend Robert I swore to protect and defend his children but before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself."

Everyone in the crowd starts yelling again.

Someone throws a rock at his head.

"Let the High Septon and the Baelor the Blessed bear witness to what I say...Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne by the grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

The crowd yells once again.

" we sin," The grand maester says, "So do we suffer. This man has confessed to his crimes in sight of gods and men. The gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor Your Grace?"

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa...has begged mercy for her father. But they have to soft hearts of women. So long as I am your king treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn...bring me his head!"

"No! Someone stop him!" Sansa yells.

"Joffrey don't do this! You can't kill him," Joffrey looks at me, "If you do this you start a war, a war you cannot win!"

But he ignores me.

They put Ned on his knees.

Ser Ilyn takes out his sword.

Sansa is begging for her father's life.

Ser Ilyn did it.

He killed Eddard Stark.

Sansa faints put I catch her. They drag Ned's body and head away.

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