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I'm with my mother and Tyrion. Tyrion has just informed us that Renley, has been killed.

"Killed? By whom?" my mother asked.

"Accounts differ. Most seem to implicate Catelyn Stark in some way."

"Really who'd have thought?" I say.

"Some say it was one of his own Kingsguard, while others say it was Stannis himself who did it after negotiations went sour."

"Whoever did it I say well done," my mother says.

"It's not what Varys says. He says Renly's army is flocking to support Stannis, which would give Stannis superiority over us on both land and sea."

"Littlefinger says we can outspend him three to one," my mother says while pouring herself some wine.

"And I say father raised you to have too much respect for money."

"Stannis is coming for us sooner rather than later. It's a great way to meet your uncle, you know, when he's trying to kill you," I say.

I stand up, "Well I have to go...meet a friend."

My mother gives me a suspicious look. Tyrion gives me a look like he knows who I'm talking about.


Pod and I stand on my balcony. We lean over the edge of the rail enjoying the night. It's not too cold, there's a light breeze. I stand there enjoying the stars, I can feel Pod staring at me. I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. 

I look over at him, "I wanna show you something."

"Show me what?"

I grab his hand, "Just come with me."

I drag him through the castle avoiding the kings' guard and my mother spies.  I take him to a staircase. 

"Scarlett where are we going?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then stop asking so many questions."

I take him up the staircase. We stand at the highest tower of the Red Keep, you can see the entire city from here.

"This is my favorite place to be...I used to sneak up here when I was a kid. I remember one time Jaime and Tyrion were supposed to be watching over me. But I snuck away up here. When they found me I thought they were going to be so angry but they weren't they just sat and watched the sunset with me."  

I sit on the edge of the tower with my feet hanging off, Pod sits down next to me.

"They weren't mad because they were happy you were okay."

"When my mother found out she forbade me from ever coming up here ever again. I think it's because she has a thing against me being happy. Anyways, I came up here and I cried. My father came to get me. He looked angry, but not at me at my mother for making me cry. I'm the only one who misses my father. I mean I get why some people don't, he wasn't the best king, he was drunk all the time, and fucked every whore in the city. But he was always nice to me, he was the only buffer between mine and my mother's constant auguring. It feels wrong to miss him but I do."

I lay my head on Pod's shoulder as we look out onto the city.

"You have every right to miss your father."


I stand next to Tyrion as we see Mrycella off as she sets off to Dorne. Even with the Martells loathing us, she's safer there then she is here.

"May the Seven guide the princess on her journey. May the mother give her health. May the crone give her wisdom. May the warrior give her courage..."

"One day I pray you to love someone," my mother tells Tyrion, "I pray you to love her so much, when you close your eyes, you see her face. I want that for you.  I want you to know what it's like to love someone, to truly love someone, before I take her from you."

Tyrion turns to look at her then he just walks away, I follow him.

We all walk through the city back to the Red Keep.

"Hail Joffrey, hail to the King," someone yells as we walk by, "Seven blessings on you, Your Grace."



"All hail the king."

"He's no king. He's a bastard!"

"Please, Your Grace, we're hungry."

Everyone starts to get riled up now.  


My hand hovers above my sword as I get a feeling something bad is about to happen.

"Get my brother back to the keep now," I tell the guard and they take Tommen away.

"Please, Your Grace, give us some food!"

"Bread Your Grace, please!"

Someone throws mud at Joffrey's head. 

The guard pulls out their swords, including me. 

"I want the man who threw that! Find who did that and bring him to me!" 

The townspeople start attacking the guard. 

"Just kill them! Kill them all!"Joffrey yells. 

It utter chaos. Everyone is running around, screaming. People are dying left and right.

There's a rock thrown at my head and I stumble back a little.

I raise my sword. 

"Don't attack you'll only make things worse," Tyrion tells me. 

I look around, "Wheres Sansa?"

The guards are able to take us to a safe spot.

Tyrion gets to a safe place.

"I'm going to find Sansa."

As I search for Sansa another rock is thrown at me but it misses. 

"That's it." I turn and I stab the guy who threw the rock in the arm, "Next time don't throw a rock at a princess."

By the time I find Sansa The Hound as already found her.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"Yes, now let's get out of here," The Hound says.

We take Sansa back to safety. 

"Well done guys," Tyrion says.

"I didn't do it for you," says The Hound. 

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