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Sansa and I lay in the garden looking up at the clouds.

"That one," I point at a cloud, "That looks like a direwolf."

"It looks like nothing to me."

"Oh, come on if I had to play your ship game you have to play my cloud game."

I sit up on my elbows.

"Is this because of the marriage? I mean if you think about it we're going to be family-"

"I don't wanna talk about it, Scarlett."

"Then what do you wanna talk about?" I lay back down.

"You and Podrick." She sits up on her elbows.

"Oh my god." We laugh as I try to cover my blushing face.


"She's a child," Tyrion says holding a glass of wine.

"She's a foot taller than you," Bronn says.

"I can't believe you're going to marry the only friend I've ever made, except for Pod," I say as I take a sip of wine.

"I can't believe you said no to Tywin Lannister and somehow got your way," Tyrion says.

"What can I say, I'm pretty convincing apparently."

"What's the youngest you've ever had?" Bronn bluntly asks Tyrion.

"Not that young."

"How much older?"

"Older," he says with a smirk

"Eww," I make a disgusted face.

"You're a lord, she's a lady," Bronn says, "And a beauty at that. I don't see the problem."

"That's my friend your talking about," I remind them.

"Shae isn't going to like it," Tyrion says.

"Shae is a whore," Bronn says, "Are you gonna marry her, eh? How did marrying a whore work out for you the first time?"

"I should have never told you about that."

"You want Shae. Keep her. Wed one and bed the other. All you have to do is get a son in the Stark girl," I roll my eyes and take a drink of wine, "He'll be lord of Winterfell one day. You can rule the north in his name," Tyrion drinks all of his wine in one gulp, "You'll of two women and a whole kingdom of your own."

"Two women who despise me and a whole kingdom to join them."

Bronn pours Tyrion more wine, "If you waste time trying to get people to love you you'll end up the most popular dead man in town."


I'm wearing a nice maroon gown that has a little bit of a V neck. The dress covers my feet. It's short sleeved. My hair is down with the exception of a braid crown.

I go to Sansa's room since I'm done getting ready early.

"You look beautiful," I tell her.

"Thank you, so do you."

We talk some more as she gets ready when there's a knock at the door. I open it and it's Tyrion and Pod. I smile at Pod.

"You look gorgeous my lady," Pod whispers to me.

I smile looking down, "Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself," I whisper.

"Perhaps we can have a moment alone," Tyrion says, "Podrick could you escort Lady Scarlett and Lady Sansa handmaiden?" We leave the room Shae not looking too happy.


The lot of us are in the sept. I stand in the front next to my mother and grandfather. Sansa stops at the top of the steps as Joffrey comes to walk her down the aisle. They stop once they get to Tyrion. Joffrey takes away Tyrion's step stool like the prick he is and stands next to our mother.

"You may now cloak the bride and put her under your protection."

Sansa turns around ready for Tyrion to put the cloak on her. But he can't reach, some people start to laugh. I give them a look making them shut up. Sansa bends down and Tyrion's wraps the cloak around her.

"Your grace. Your grace. My lords. My lady's, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh. One heart, one soul now and forever..."

The rest of the wedding is awkward. The feast isn't any better. I don't think I've ever seen Tyrion this drunk. Tyrion spills wine on himself and uses the table cloth is wipe it off.

"This is a disaster," I say to Pod.


I see Joffrey walking over to us.

"What are you doing talking to some squire boy?" he asks.

"He's not just some squire boy. I mean he fought in the battle of Blackwater and where were you?"

He looks angry, "Whatever, the bedding ceremony is about to start."

"Joffrey, don't do this."

"I can do whatever I like sister, I'm the king."

He leaves to go talk then Sansa. He's standing above everybody clapping to get everyone's attention, " Time for the bedding ceremony."

"There will be no bedding ceremony," Tyrion says.

Joffrey drags Sansa downs the stairs, "Where your respect for tradition, uncle? Come on, everyone. Pick her up and carry her to her wedding bed," they stop in the middle of the room, "Get rid of her gown. She won't be needing it any longer. Ladies attend to my uncle. He's not heavy."

"There will be no bedding ceremony."

"There will be if I command it."

Tyrion pulls out a knife and sticks it into the table, "Then you'll be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock."

"What did you say?"

"I believe we can dispense with the bedding ceremony," My grandfather says, "I'm sure Tyrion did not mean to threaten the king."

Tyrion forces a laugh, "A bad joke, your grace." He finally lets go of the knife.

Tyrion drunk, stumbling around and saying dumb shit.

"Tyrion, I think it's time we all call it a night," I say.

"My wonderful niece, I think your right. Come on my wife..."

"I'm going to my room, meet me there later?" I whisper to Pod. He nods, I walk away brushing my hand against his hand.


I changed into my sleep gown which is much more comfortable. I stand looking in the mirror brushing my hair unconsciously humming the tune to The Rains of Castamere.

Pod enters my rooms, "What song is that?" he asks closing my door and sitting down on my bed.

"It's The Rains of Castamere, it's the Lannister song of death and betrayal. Some say it if you hear the tune it may be the last song you ever hear."

"What's it about?"

"They wrote for my grandfather, after House Reyne rebelled against him and it ended in House Reyne's destruction."

"How does it go?"

I take a breathe before singing the tune, "And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that Lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear."

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