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trigger warning: mentions of rape 

Tyrion and I sit on the steps in the throne room, drinking wine. 

"We've had a really eventful past few weeks," I say taking a drink of my wine.

"A really eventful past few weeks."

I lay my head on his shoulder as we sit in comfortable silence. 

After a while, Daenerys walks in. I lift my head from Tyrion's shoulder.

"How did he take it?" I ask referring to her just telling Daario that he has to stay here in Meereen while we go across the narrow sea.

"No tears."

"I know it was hard for you," Tyrion says, "You turned away a man who truly loves you because he would have been a liability in the Seven Kingdoms. That's the kind of self-sacrifice that makes a good ruler if it's any consolation."

"It's not."

"No. I suppose not. I'm terrible at consoling."

"Yes, you really are," she sits down on the other side of Tyrion.

"All right," I say, "But how about the fact that this is actually happening? You have armies, your ships, your dragons. Everything you've wanted since you were old enough to want anything, it's all yours for the taking."

"Are you afraid?" Tyrion asks. She nods her head, "Good. You're in the great game now. And the great game's terrifying. The only people who aren't afraid of failure are madmen like your father."

"Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it."

"He wasn't the first to love you and he won't be the last."

"Well, you have completely failed to console me," she moves to stand right in front of us.

"For what it's worth. I've been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone's always asking me to believe in things. Family, gods, kings, myself. It was often tempting until I saw where belief got people. So I said, 'No, thank you' to belief. And yet here I am," Tyrion stans up now, "I believe in you. It's embarrassing really. I'd swear you my sword but I don't actually own a sword."

"It's your counsel I need."

"It's yours. Now and always."

"Good. I um, I had something made for you," she pulls a pin that the hands would wear, "I'm not sure if it's right," she puts the pin on his shirt, "Tyrion Lannister I name you Hand of the Queen."

He kneels down in front of her. I pull out my sword and I also kneel in front of her.

"I pledge myself to you Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen," I say holding up my sword with two hands. 


Theon and Yara Greyjoy brought Queen Daenerys their iron fleet. Daenerys, Tyrion, Missandie, Lord Varys and I stand on one of the ships ready to cross the narrow sea once again. The dragons fly above us. There are ships as far as the eye can see. 

Because of the lack of cabins, Tyrion and I must share one. Lucky for us there are two beds. 

We both lay in our beds at night listening to the waves. The only light it from a torch right in between the two beds.

"Remember when I was younger and you used to read stories to me every night?" I ask.

He smiles, "Yes. I also remember the time you asked me why I was so short."

I laugh a little, "You cannot blame me for that, I was like four when I said that."

"Yeah, but it was impossible to be mad at you when you were a kid."

"My mother always seemed to be."

"Yeah well, your mother is, your mother."

We talk some more but I end up falling asleep. 

Halfway through the night, I wake up abruptly, out of breath, with a tear streaming down my hair. I sit up trying to pull myself together.

"Scarlett, what's wrong?" he asks concerned.

I look over at him and I see he's reading a book, "It's nothing. Just a bad dream."

"It's obviously more than just a bad dream. What happened?"

I don't respond as I try to hold back tears thinking about the dream.

He gets up and sits on my bed right in front of me. 

"These dreams seem to be taking a toll on you. I need you to tell me what happened so I can help you."

"A few years ago, before we left to visit Winterfell. I um, was in my room dead asleep... I woke up to a man ...raping me. I killed him with the knife you told me to keep under my pillow. Whenever I sleep I fear that it will happen again. In my dreams, I relive that night." 

For once Tyrion Lannister doesn't know what to say.

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