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Brienne and I are leading the left plank. 

Before we go out there Pod grabs my arm pulling me back.

"What is it Pod? I'm leading I need to be out there."

"You know I was thinking um... on the off chance we survive this want to get m-married?"

For that second I forget about what we are about to do. I kiss him, "I'd be honored to marry you, Podrick Payne."


I've felt the tension in the air before a battle before but this is nothing like I've felt before. 

Normally we have hope that we might survive but right now I don't think any of us do. 

Brienne, Pod, Jaime, and I are in the front. We stare at the forest in front of us. Apart of us hoping that nothing will come out of it. That we won't have to fight the Army of the Dead. I have my ax in my hand. I have my sword hanging on my waist just in case.

Out of nowhere all of the Dothraki's weapons light on fire.

The Dothraki start to run towards the forest on their horses and scream.

In almost an instant the fire on their weapons go out. Which can't mean anything good.

All that comes out of the darkness in horses. And then a few men come running towards us. Even if its dark I can see the fear on their faces. 

We all lift our weapons getting ready. Pod and I give each other a loving look.

We can hear the army yelling as the run towards us. 

We can feel the ground shake as the run towards us.

"Stand your ground!" Brienne yells.

There is so much more than last time. 

The second you kill one, ten more appear. 

I can't even focus on weather Pod or Jaime are safe because whenever I do one gets the jump on me.

One jumps on my back. It has a very tight grip. I scream as I throw it off my back. I turn around quickly and I cut its head off.

Daenerys and Drogon fly over us burning some of the dead. I look up to see Jon riding Rhaegal.

They both burn the dead. They don't burn them all thought. There's still plenty left. 

I'm out of breath.

Covered in blood and dirt. 

I turn around after I stab one because I feel this wind. When it passes by us it almost feels like dust. It's hard to see and breath. 

One comes running at me from the side but I'm distracted by the ones in front of me. Before it can jump on me Pod stabs it in the side.

I hear Tormond yell, "Fall back!" But a lot of people don't hear him.

"Fall back!" I scream. 

We run to the gates. 

I run through the gates standing on the sides to make sure everybody gets in safely. 

"Come on! Get in!" I yell.

The Unsullied are still out there trying to hold off the dead while we get in safely. 

The plan is to light the trench on fire so they can't get through. 

I watch as Melisandre lights the trench on fire using a spell.

After the trench is lit I go back to find Pod, Brienne, and Jaime. When I find them I sigh in relief but before we can be happy for too long Ser Davos yells from the tower that we need to man the walls.

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