Mom at Seventeen Chapter 1

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I wrote a story and posted it here but changed my mind so technically this would be my first story..please commentor meassage. Tell me what you think and if you liked it. and suggestion on how to make it better.


I didn't know three minutes could be this long. It felt like an hour had passed already since I took the thing. I was drumming my fingers on the sink, which I tend to do when I'm nervous, while my friend Lexi Johnson paced back and forth across the bathtub while chewing on her nails.

"What the heck is taking so long?" She whispered-yelled exasperated.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm like freaking out over here."

She jumped out the bathtub and came over to me to give me a hug. When she pulled away, the thing FINALLY beeped. You'd think after being really impatient about it, I'd have jumped at the thing and looked at it but I didn't. Lexi and I just stood there staring at the white little stick.

She nudged me. "Leigh? You going to check it or you want me to?"

I would have preferred for her to do it, but I know that I should do it.

"No....that's fine. Erm, I' do it." I said stuttering a bit. Lexi nodded and I grabbed it, not looking at the screen. I closed my eyes and inhaled a big amount of air. Counting to three in my head I exhaled slowly and opened my eyes then looked down at the screen.


A small cry escaped my mouth and I dropped the test. Lexi grabbed me before I could collapse on the ground since I started to fall and sat both of us down on the floor.

Tears started to really flow and I started crying. Lexi held me to her and hugged me, trying to sooth me. I knew she was crying to since I could hear her but it wasn't as hard as I was. We stayed like that for who know how long.

"Lex, what am I going to do?" I asked when we've both stopped crying and I've calmed down.

She was quite for awhile, not knowing what to say. "To be honest, I'm really not sure hun." she sighed. "But first things first, are you keeping it, erm I mean the baby?"

"Of course." I answered instantly.

"Ok, now are you going to tell him?"

I was quite for a moment. Well he did deserve to know, but I'm not sure if I can handle it if he rejects our baby and just let me fend for it myself. And he's got his whole future ahead of him and his football scholarship and stuff. Yeah my whole future was smashed too and his should too but I don't really think I can take that.

"I really don't know." I finally replied. "I don't want to ruin his future."

"Ok, first off you shouldn't worry about that. Second, you're future is ruin too you know. Third, this is partly his fault too and he needs to take responsibility for what he's done to you." Lexi said flicking her fingers up with each point.

I sighed, knowing she was right. But I already made my decision and I know Lexi wouldn't be happy with me but it's for the best. I hope.

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