Alexander Vuori

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Adira's days, more or less, was still her same old routine. She had already returned back to the Sylveris fief with her parents and got frequent visits from Casimir.

Alexander and Leon accompanied her back to the Sylveris Castle and stayed—under the first prince's orders, sanctioned by the king himself.

Well, that's one supportive father he's got there.

Alexander thought while accompanying Adira around the garden. She was walking aimlessly through the maze, or so he thought, but they actually came out on another exit—hidden perfectly well that if one didn't know about it, they'd likely just pass by it.

However, Adira purposely led him and allowed him to have knowledge on this secret.

"My Lady, there was an exit here?"

"Yes, it's my secret. Now I have a question for you, Alex." Of course, Adira, being as friendly, beautiful and adorable that she is, immediately got Alexander's loyalty and was already on first name basis.

There's not much surprise there, actually. Well, no one really escapes, you know?

"Yes. What is it, my Lady?"

"Between you and his highness, who's stronger?" She asked while whisking the curtain made of vines to allow passage and exited the maze, Alexander following suit.

"Of course, it is the crown prince, my Lady."

"Then, after him, who's strongest?"

"That would be Roman, Lady Adira."

Oh? That secretary's actually strong? Yet, he's so weakhearted.

"Then after Roman?"

"Well, it's still a contest between me and William."

"Perfect then!" Adira suddenly beamed and they finally exited the short tunnel as it opened into a large training area.

"You'll be sparring with me."


Two hours into their training, it was total annihilation. On Adira's part.

There was finally someone stronger than her and he was the third strongest after Casimir!

Adira had changed into boy's clothes and Alexander looked at her very awkwardly. Not because it didn't suit her, but precisely because it suited her so damn well he was actually tempted to question her about her real gender orientation.

"Lady Adira. Take a break first." He kindly offered to her when she saw her breathing heavily and supported her upper body with her knees.

She raised her hands up and gestured that she was fine. After she finally catched her breath and chugged a whole bottle of water, she raggedly spoke,

"Let's go again."

Alexander, who couldn't refuse, took his stance and waited for her to lunge forward and attack him. All the while, he had only been defending against her attacks and deflecting some when he's able.

But there were also times that he felt an odd sensation as if a humongous pitch black monster was lying in wait— watching, studying and calculating his every move with its big ash-like eyes that could burn him any minute.

It was those times that he unwittingly counterattacked and threw his Lady over his shoulder or push her with more strength than necessary or even almost breaking her arm as he twisted it towards her back.

He felt his heart rapidly beat as beads of sweat roll down from his temples.

While he was waiting, Adira was simulating lots of combinations she could use and soft spots she could exploit. She also took into account Alexander's subtle habits like he always, without fail, starts a kick with his right foot.

However that was all it was—simulations. All that's left now is how to smoothly perform those simulations and at least get a hit in.

She lunged forward and Alexander braced himself for Adira's opening move—a big swing from the left. But she didn't, instead she ducked to his right and swung her foot in an attempt to sweep him off.

Alexander, reacted fast enough and leapt to avoid her and jumped away to place distance between them but Adira chased him.

She sent punches after punches, kicks after kicks but every single one of them was blocked by Alexander.

When she caught his head and was about to drive her knee to his face, Alexander immediately placed a defense up but nothing came when she fluidly climbed up on his shoulders—wrapping her legs around his neck, pulled his head back to expose his throat and was about to place a claw on it.

Alexander, greatly alarmed at her fast growth rate and how she pick things up too fast, caught her hand and wasn't able to think properly when he pulled her down too hard and threw her off.

Adira landed on the ground too painfully that the impact took her breath away and she coughed as she groaned.

"Dear lord, I-I'm so sorry, my Lady! I didn't mean to harshly pull you like that! Oh, the lord of darkness will surely swallow me whole!" He sputtered in a ball of panic while hurriedly helping Adira up and was about to rush her back to the castle when she hit his chest to attract his attention.

"I'm... Fine..." She managed to say in between her coughs.

"But my Lady!"

"Send me back and his highness will know. And if he knows, you will surely lose your neck! Do you want that?" She tried scaring him.

"I know my lady! But I also cannot ignore the injury I caused on you! I'd rather die than let you suffer!"

Oh dear, another loyal idiot indeed! I like that but not now really! I'm trying to save you so please! Cooperate!

"No! I'm really fine! Now let me down! That is an order!" She commanded him and used as much dominance as she had in her and successfully made him obey—finally gently letting her down and made sure she was stable on her feet.

Wow, I didn't know I was intimidating enough.

"Alex, I really appreciate that you care about me and are loyal to me, but what I need is proper training. Although I can pick random stuffs from some of your movements, it's not enough. Show me more. Train me more. Okay?"

"But my lady, what for do you need to learn how to fight? His highness will protect you! You need not fear for your safety."

"And who protects him?"


"I'm asking you, if his highness protects me then, who will protect him? Who protects the strongest? I am not risking my life (by willingly walking down towards my destruction path) just so he'll protect me!

Women also has things she has to protect! And I am most certainly not hiding behind him. I will fight alongside him! I won't leave him alone, be it heaven or hell."

Determination shone in her brilliant ashen eyes, burning with her unwavering resolve, and glowing with her confidence in Casimir that he will do the same with her, and Alexander couldn't look away.

He saw how he was reflected so clearly in her beautiful ash-like orbs and felt himself get suck in them. They were burning and shining so radiantly—with the brilliance of a phoenix's fire—it was as if they contained countless galaxies of stars.

He knelt down and lowered his head as well as holding a fist over his chest as he pledged,

"I, Alexander Vuori, only heir of the Marquess Vuori, pledge my undying loyalty to the Lady Adira Remeria Eir Sylveris, future Queen of the Versaillus Empire.

I will do my utmost best to help you reach your goal, Mistress. I will impart to you every knowledge, technique, skills or whatever I have to you. I am at your disposal from now on, my Queen."

Mmm... Casey, I think I just poached one of your trusted aide's unblemished loyalty. He just *climbed over my wall, that's okay, right?

*Climb over the wall means changing sides. Lol! I am very sorry for these weird phrases I pick from the chinese novels that I read!
Thank you for your support and love everyone! I'll update as much as I can so stay tuned! Banzai 🎉

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