Isn't That Sad?

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"La-Lady Sylveris—"

"That's Princess Adira now, Lord Devich." Casimir instantly corrected the Marquess and the latter shakily nodded his head before turning back to Adira's crying face.

"Princess Adira, I didn't mean to offend his highness, Prince Casimir, and his majesty. I only want what's best for this kingdom.

And having the Maiden of Light as the Queen can pressure the neighboring kingdoms into submission."

"But, my Lord, haven't it crossed your mind that such a thing isn't a solution? The Maiden of Light is a human too, she can only live for long.

And when she dies, what happens to that pressure that you spoke of? As for me, by marrying Prince Casimir, not only do I strengthen your prince by leaps and bounds by simply staying by his side, I can fight alongside him if he needs me.

Casimir, himself, can assert dominion over these kingdoms. He can raise our strength himself. We don't need the Maiden of Light because I believe in my husband's capability and he can only do that if I am by his side!"

Adira insisted on her stand and her place by Casimir's side. It wasn't the first time she had to do this to simply stay by the side of the man she deeply loved since from the first cycle, the people didn't really want her as well.

She only got by because she was the only Duke's daughter—a perfect rank to solidify Triton's sudden ascension to the throne—and that she was his fiance in the first place.

That and she was immensely beautiful. A trophy they could flaunt to the neighboring kingdoms or a token if push comes to shove.

And Adira knew that. She knew how shaky and unstable her position was so she had to do everything to build a stable enough foundation where she could stand.

She had seduced Triton and did whatever it took to carry his child, but the latter didn't want it and instead stopped sleeping with her as soon as he knew that she wanted his child.

She fought at the front to stave off the powermongers who came like ants as soon as they heard about the royal princes death. She was always at the helm because she had Heise—because she was the only one who had a dragon then.

Although she didn't want to use Heise as a weapon, she had no choice. It was kill or be killed. And she needed to stay alive so she could return to Triton's side. Also, Heise was as loyal as he could be since he refuses to leave her side.

But even after all that she had done, Iris kept hammering her way in—breaking and chipping away at the shaky foundation Adira stood in.

Until it didn't last long and it crumbled down—broken at every joint and weak link—and Adira also came undone. It was when her heart died that she also felt that this world must die.

Remembering all the suffering she had survived, tears spilled like rain from her eyes much to the surprise of the council—especially the Marquess.

How could he make a woman as gentle and fragile as her cry so painfully like that?

"I'm... I'm sorry, my Lord, but... Please... Don't take his highness away from me.. and our son."

Son?! They had a son?!

Their eyes widened like saucers before they turned to each other with great confusion and shock. Then the soft creaking of the door managed to attract their attention to find beautiful sapphire eyes looking at them with wonder.

Such a cute child. Whose child is it? Is he lost?

"Wait... Is it...?"

"Mommy!" The child beamed as soon as he saw his mother but was immediately replaced with worry when he saw the tears spilling down from her eyes.

He ran towards her and shielded her from the council's large eyes. They were her—and now his—enemy.

"Heise, child, come to grandpa." The King beckoned over the child but he refused and shook his head before wrapping his arms around his mother.

"Heise not leaving Mommy."

And well, watching the child and the mother like that, they figured their discussion won't be going in any direction so they decided to leave it unfinished for a while before the assembly was adjourned and the council dispersed and retreated.

Casimir, who felt his heart ache while watching his wife's tears, walked over to her and took her into his embrace as he softly coaxed and comforted her.

They were gonna pay for every drop of her tears.

"Aahh~ those geezers really is a lot to handle."


"Who knew I had to cry too just to get them to shut up? Luckily I told Heise to come here in 5 minutes or so."

What's this?

"My baby is such a good boy~~ Aww~ that's why Mommy loves you best~~"

The woman, who was bawling her eyes out a minute ago, was now coaxing and kneading her son's cheeks while peppering light kisses on his face to which the latter was enjoying so much and giggling happily.


"Oh? Did I get my husband as well? Can you believe that, baby? Daddy fell for it as well." Adira cheered and high-fived their son before they danced a little victory dance.

What the hell?!


While back at the Niveria's fief, Ramir just finished a transaction with this good and honest Baron and was on his way home when he figured he should bring something for his little sister since he had been gone for almost a week now.

And after all, she'd die for the Niveria's specialty cakes.

Thinking about how she'd cheer and jump for joy when he brings her the sweets, he couldn't help the enthralling smile from gracing his handsome countenance.

And well, you can't blame him if he ensnares women's hearts from that.

The lady baker, who stood behind the stall, looked—not quite, stared— at him with dreamy eyes as Ramir pondered on his choice. He also figured he should buy two should the little demon snatch his gift for his sister.

While he was contemplating between a chocolate cake and a strawberry one, a woman, he remembered was the ex-Baron Latifolia's daughter, came forward and spoke to him.

"Good day, my lord, what brought you all the way here?"

"Oh. I just met with Baron Niveria for a transaction. It's just tedious process, really, so I'm walking around for a while to bring gifts." Ramir politely answered her.

He didn't know of Iris' schemes and her rancor with Adira which explains how kind and easygoing Ramir was in talking with her. To him, she was still a Baron's poor daughter who got caught up in her father's mess.

"That is such a sad thing, don't you think?"

"What is?"

"You're doing all these tedious and menial tasks while your sister is living the high life as the prince's fiancee. Isn't that sad?" Iris spoke.

Now, turn around and help me destroy her.

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