In the Middle of the Night

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Adira and Stefan shortly arrived at Casimir's office. The former, still feeling her hands tremble involuntarily as she was reminded with her nightmare, unconsciously grabbed for Stefan's sleeves.

He turned to her when he felt her tugging him and smiled softly at her uncharacteristic cowering form. He reassured her that everything was fine—that beyond that door was her family waiting for her.

Breathing deeply and making sure she erased the traces of her tears, she softly knocked before pushing the door open.

A pair of platinum and sapphire eyes both looked up from their respective papers and turned to her, feeling confused why she was standing there frozen while clutching Stefan's sleeves.

Casimir was the first to react and immediately stood up from his seat. He particularly did not like what he was seeing.

He was halfway close to her when she suddenly had this relieved expression—like a weight was lifted off her shoulders—and beamed radiantly before she dashed forward with wide open arms.

Still feeling perplexed with her uncanny mood swings, Casimir automatically also opened his arms to receive his wife when the woman did not stop and instead passed by him.

"Baby!" She cried and went straight to Heise, who was standing just a few feet behind his father, and engulfed the child in a tight bear hug.

Not understanding anything, Casimir turned to his brother and asked,

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I just found her sleeping in your greenhouse where you kept those white lilies and then she suddenly woke up from a nightmare."

Stefan supplied the necessary information and fluidly omitted some parts lest he say goodbye to his life.

Heise was hugging his mother back while listening to both men talk and tightened his hold on her after hearing the reason. That nightmare must have been so scary to shake his firm and strong mother this much.

"Mommy, Heise is here! Heise will protect Mommy from those bad dreams!"

The little boy reassured his mother and puffed his chest for emphasis which made Adira's heart swell with pride and overflowing love.

Yes, they are here. They're safe. Stefan's right. Those are all just dreams.

"Well, I shall go ahead now. I still have things to finish."

Stefan bid his brother farewell and turned on his heel yet briefly paused after hearing his brother's question.

"You were never someone who sits still to do work. What happened?"

"I just.. think I might need to do better than this if I want to snatch a woman's attention. Well, you better watch your back, brother, cause I'll be catching up in no time."

Stefan lightly gave his declaration of war and smiled meaningfully before he walked away and waved his hands as a gesture of farewell.

Stefan, you haven't given up yet, huh?


The afternoon went by uneventfully as Adira chose to remain where she could see both her husband and son and put her heart at ease.

She tucked Heise under the covers, when the night rolled in, and sung him a lullaby. In less than ten minutes, the child was already deep in sleep as he curled and snuggled in his mother's embrace.

Adira slept soon after as well and Casimir blissfully watched both mother and son sleep peacefully in each other's arms that he couldn't help but want to join their dreams as well.

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