I Need My Wife

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"He came."

Owen heard Adira's faint whisper before she struggled to lift the little boy on her arms, still bleeding and suffering. Aside from she was starting to panic, Heise was a bit too heavy for her to lift by herself anymore.

"Who has come Big Sister?—And give him to me!" Owen offered to carry the child Adira called her baby.

Although he hated to think that this child was that hateful prince's child but he was still his beloved sister's son, so isn't this boy technically his nephew?

Also, he didn't want to be labeled as a good-for-nothing uncle.

"He came. Oh no. What do I do?"

Owen heard another low whisper from the unfocused Adira that he had to shake her a bit to get her attention again. He had this gnawing feeling that if he left her like that, then it would be dangerous for her.

"Big Sister! Let's go! Your son needs a doctor as soon as possible!"

The sound of urgency in Owen's voice and the fact that Heise was still bleeding from the place where he was shot at finally snapped Adira.

Curing Heise takes precedence. She can deal with Raidyn possibly leading that cavalry later. She needs to find someone that can help her child first.

So she lead Owen towards a nearby clinic that she happened to pass by on one of her outings in town. She could keep him there for a while. She could leave Owen there to protect Heise.

"Where are you going?" Owen immediately asked as soon as he noticed Adira stepping back, as if trying to slip out undetected.

"I need to go. If I stay here, he will find me and he will kill Heise—no, he might even kill everyone."

Adira was shaking really hard as she desperately tried to calm herself. She knew Raidyn wouldn't let her go that easily. She just had to delude herself that she finally escaped his claws when in fact she never did— and she might never will.

"Who is this coming for—"

"Owen! Please protect Heise! Please! I beg you! Protect my child."

She didn't even let Owen finish his question when she took his hands into hers and squeezed them tightly, begging for him to protect the injured child. She was sure that Heise will be safe as long as she wasn't anywhere near him.

That way, that man would also not find him. She can protect Heise and if worse comes to worst, Owen will be there to guard him.

"What about you?!"

"I'll find Alex. I can get Alex to protect me and I am plenty capable to defend myself from a few goons. So I'll be fine. Just please, promise me you'll protect him."


Adira left the clinic after she was sure that Owen will protect Heise while he was treated there and was supposed to make her way back to her original goal—to the palace—but instead she took another route and headed to the place where everything ended her past life—the capital's central church.

I'll assess things from there. I might be able to figure something out up there.

She thought to herself, completely ignoring the glaring fact of how her life ended up there by now. To her, although the events were a little bit different than it was last time, it seems that things were being forced to run like how it was from her past life.

Perhaps, this is the end of my dream? It was a very happy dream though.

Adira sadly thought to herself after she arrived at the church's bell tower and saw the army Raidyn brought with him and the Versaillus Army advancing to their defensive positions and Casimir who was steadily advancing back to the palace. However, she could not see Triton anywhere.

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