~ Three ~

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Over the next two weeks Johnny and I "study" twice a week and again on Saturday nights.

Charlie and Sam have been on a couple of dates but haven't made it official.

I walk into first period on Monday feeling like shit. I lay my head on the desk and close my eyes.

"You okay pumpkin?" Sam asks gently tapping my arm. "I feel like crap." I whine. "You look like it too." She scrunches her eyebrows and puts her hand on my forehead.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Charlie asks suddenly appearing next to Sam. "She's sick dip shit." She spits out. "Why?" He questions earning an eye roll from Sam.

"That's what I was trying to figure out before you butted in."

"What's wrong?" Johnny asks joining my friends. "Pumpkins sick." Sam answers lifting my wrist and taking my pulse. She wants to be a doctor so I just roll my eyes and let her continue.

"I'm just tired." I mumble. Trying to lay my head back down. "Are you not sleeping well?" She demands dropping my arm.

I shrug. "Nausea? Diarrhea?" She crosses her arm. "Oh my god. No!" I groan hiding my reddening cheeks.

"I'm just tired." I repeat. During first and second period I nap, feeling worse. As Sam and I are walking to lunch I start to feel my stomach churn. "I'm going to be sick." I say before sprinting into the bathroom.

I dry reach but nothing comes out, probably because I haven't eaten since dinner last night. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks, her face full of concern when I stumble out of the stall. "Just tired." I tell her for the millionth time today.

At lunch I don't eat anything. The smell of my tuna sandwich makes my stomach churn again and I know if I eat it I will vomit.

By history I'm starting to feel better and am getting more energy. "You're looking better pumpkin." Charlie smiles brightly when I take my seat. "Feeling it too." I return the smile.

When Johnny comes to class he doesn't say anything and has his hood pulled over his face.

"You okay?" I whisper when Mrs Jones walks in. Johnny ignores me all class. When the bell rings I jump up and follow him.

"Oi!" I yell grabbing his wrist. "Hey." I say gently pulling him to the side of the hall.

When Johnny finally turns to face me I gasp. He has a black eye. "What happened?" I whisper reaching to stroke his bruise before quickly dropping my hand.

"I got punched." He says through gritted teeth. "What's the other guy look like?" I ask stepping closer. Johnnys lips turn up into a small smile before disappearing.

"I'll tell you tonight Liv." He says before turning and walking out of the school. I quickly walk home and take a longer shower and spend a little extra time picking my underwear and putting my fluffy robe over top.

At seven Johnny comes over like normal and comes straight to my room. "Are you your pajamas?" He asks face full of amusement. "No. Now tell me what happened." I demand sitting on the bed.

He sighs before sitting on the other side. "Where's your parents?" He asks avoiding my question. "Date night. Now tell me." I'm growing impatient.

"Honestly?" He asks quietly. I nod narrowing my eyes at him trying to read him.

"Greg was talking shit about you in Gym class so I punched him a few times. He got one hit in." He says quickly.

"Oh." I answer. We sit in silence for a minute before I stand up. "I'm sorry." He mumbles standing up too. "What?" I question. "You're pissed." He says grabbing his bag, getting ready to leave.

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