~ Nineteen ~

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"I can't believe we have our babies home." Johnny whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around my waist looking into Willow sleeping in her crib. "I can't believe how much she looks like you." I answer spinning in his arms. "Lucky girl." He smirks before kissing me. "Percy's finally gone." Johnny says as we walk hand in hand to the living room.

"I didn't think he'd ever leave." I chuckle pulling Johnny onto the couch. "Me either." He says rolling his eyes. "When does Sam leave?" Johnny asks playing with the ends of my hair. "Saturday." I say quietly suddenly feeling over come with emotion. "Two days." Johnny comments. "You okay?" He asks noticing the tears building in my eyes. "I'm just going to miss her." My voice breaking.

"We'll still see her." Johnny says kissing my forehead. "I know." I whisper back snuggling into his chest. "Should we ask her ad Charlie to come over tomorrow?" Johnny pulls me closer. "That would be nice." I smile into his chest, my eyes feeling heavy. "I'll text Charlie." Johnny says before I fall asleep snuggled into his chest.

I wake up with a startle when I hear a baby crying. Johnny jumps up just as quickly as I do and heads straight to the nursery. Johnny reaches the cribs before me and picks Willow up. As soon as she is in his arms his face scrunches up in disgust. "She shat." Walking to the changing table.

I start giggling as Johnny starts gagging. "Who would've thought such a cute baby could make such a gross smelling shit." Johnny coos to her. "She must get it from her father." I laugh checking on Arlo who has his eyes open looking around.

"Please. Your farts are worst than mine." Johnny scoffs. "I think your daddy is delusional." I coo to Arlo as I pick him up. "I think she's hungry." Johnny says walking to over to me with Willow who's mouth is open searching for food.

We settle on the couch, me feeding Willow and Johnny cuddling Arlo when his phone buzzes.

"Hello....they're good....yeah....whenever....it's been three days....sounds good....see ya."

"Who was that?" I ask when he hangs up. "Charlie. He and Sam will come around with lunch tomorrow." He answers leaning over and pecks my lips.

The next morning I'm up at 5am with both babies. They were up every couple of hours to feed and have their bums changed. Johnny was up with me every time, helping as much as he can. I decide to let him sleep in.

At 7am Johnny stumbles into the living room rubbing his eyes as I'm burping Arlo. "Morning." He mumbles kissing my head before kissing the babies. "How long have you been up?" He asks sleepily sitting next to me.

"Couple of hours." I smile and pass him Arlo. "Why didn't you wake me?" Johnny asks continuing to burp him. "I decided to be nice and let you sleep in. So you could make me a yummy breakfast." I smile kissing his cheek.

"You're lucky I love you." Johnny mutters placing Arlo into his bouncer after he's done a massive burp. "Love you too!" I call as he walks into the kitchen.

At lunch time Johnny and I are laying on the couch napping together when we're woken by Sam and Charlie holding McDonald bags. "Hello sleepy heads." Sam smirks dropping the bags onto the coffee table. "Hey." I mumble sitting up to rub my eyes. "Why are you sleeping on the couch?" Charlie asks sitting crossed legged in front of Willow.

"They obviously fell asleep after the babies did!" Sam exclaims hitting Charlie on the back of the head. "Shh. You'll wake the babies." Charlie shushes her. "Can we eat now?" I groan reaching for the closet bag of food.

We spend the next three hours eating, reliving old times and of course Sam and Charlie cuddle the babies. "I'm going to miss you." Sam cries throwing her arms around me. "I'm going to miss you too." I whisper squeezing her tight as the tears pool in my eyes. "Promise you'll visit?" I ask not moving. "Try and stop me. Plus you have to come and visit. Bring the babies. Oh and Johnny too." She adds sending him a wink.

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