~ Six ~

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Half a hour later I'm walking hand in hand with Johnny towards his house. Which is right next door to Charlie's. I glance at Charlie's house thinking about making a break for it when I see him peeking out the living room window. "Does he do that often?" I ask nodding to Charlie.

Johnny spins around and flips Charlie off, Charlie quickly ducks out of view. "Never." I laugh then stop abruptly when we reach the small porch. "If he's a dick we can always go back to yours." Johnny says quietly giving my hand a squeeze before opening the door.

"Is that you Johnathan?" The voice from the phone calls out. "Johnathan?" I ask snickering a little. "Shut up." He smirks leading me into his kitchen which is identical to Charlie's.

Johnnys dad is just as tall as him and has Johnnys blue eyes. His hair is light blonde, the opposite of Johnnys. He's holding a giant knife which freaks me out of a second before I notice he's cutting carrots. "Hello." He says politely dropping the knife onto the bench. "I'm Marc." He smiles showing dimples in his cheeks I've noticed a handful of times show on Johnnys face.

"Hi. I'm Olivia." I smile back taking a step closer to Johnny. "Olivia?" He asks confused. "I thought you said her name was Liz?" Marc asks Johnny glaring at his son. "No. I said her name was Liv. You just weren't listening." Johnny rolls his eyes. "Oh right." Marc's face relaxes.

"For a second there I thought you brought the wrong girl around." He jokes before picking his knife up again. Before he starts cutting again he looks at me. "Wait are you Charlie's Olivia? From next door?"

"Um. I guess so? We've been best friends since kindergarten." I answer slyly. I want to ask what he meant by 'the wrong girl.' How many girls does Johnny have? "Why didn't you tell me this son?" Marc sighs dramatically. Johnny rolls his eyes as his response.  "Would you like to stay for dinner Olivia?" Marc asks moving to cut a broccoli. I think about politely declining but my eye catches a photo on the fridge. My scan.

"Are you sure?" I ask smiling at him. "Of course! Do you eat chicken?" He smiles throwing the vegetables he's just cut into seperate pots. "Love it." I smile. "Perfect. Percy will be here soon then we'll feast!" He exclaims. "Why's he coming?" Johnny groans taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"He rang when you left. Said he had a problem and is spending the week here." Marc shrugs leaning against the counter. I take the other empty bar stool and look back and forth between the two trying to figure out who Percy is.

"He's my brother." Johnny explains to me when he notices my confusion. "You have a brother?" I exclaim. "I have two." Johnny chuckles at me. "Jesus H Christ you two never talk to each other?" Marc says with a ghost smile on his lips.

"My oldest boy Percy is 22 and just about finished law school. Then there's Johnathon and last is Tom who's 10." Marc tells me. "Where is he anyway?" Johnny asks looking around like he'll just appear. "Soccer practice. Cindy is dropping him off."

We sit around making small talk about my parents jobs and Marc's mechanics he owns until Percy arrives.

"Hello family! The king is gracing you with his presence! Oh hello. Who are you?" A tall lanky man walks in. "Who are you?" I ask crossing my arms. I hear Johnny and Marc both chuckle quietly. "I asked you first." He says putting his hands on his hips. "I was here first." I counter.

"What the fuck Percy?" A little boy says walking into the kitchen. "Whoa. Who are you?" He asks me crossing his arms. " Language Thomas." Marc says trying to hide a laugh. "That's what I'm trying to find out little man." Percy says moving his hand from his hips to cross them.

"Now, now boys. This is Johnathons girlfriend. Olivia." Marc says pulling some plates from a cupboard. "What? Since when do you have a girl?" Percy asks dropping his arms and walking over to Johnny giving him a bro fist.

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