~ Nine ~

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I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and busting for a wee. I roll myself off Johnny and grab his shirt and my pyjama bottoms.

I sneak to the bathroom then decide to go to the kitchen to grab a drink. As I tip toe towards the kitchen I notice the light is on.

"Oh hey Liv." Percy slurs leaning his head on the counter. "Hey." I mumble grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"You okay?" I ask taking the seat next to him. "I fucked up." He mumbles. "What'd you do?" I ask leaning my chin on my hand.

"I slept with my bosses wife and now she loves me." He sighs. "What?" I ask, my mouth hanging open.

"I didn't know she was his wife until Wednesday." He says sitting up wiping his eyes. "Did she tell you she loves you?" I ask closing my mouth still shocked he slept with his bosses wife!

"I just know. I know when people are in love with someone. It's my super power." He sighs again. "What are you going to do?" I ask trying to change the subject from love. "I guess quit. Find a new internship."

I nod in response. "Do you love my brother?" Percy asks spinning in his seat to face me but he spun to fast and ends up falling off his seat making a loud crash.

"Shit! Are you okay?" I ask jumping off my seat and standing over him. I look down and at him and he's laughing his head off.

"I think you need to go to bed." I say joining his laughing. "What's going on?" Johnnys sleepy voice mumbles walking into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Your very drunk brother fell off his seat." I giggle. "Nooo she pushed me." Percy groans trying to get up. Johnny laughs and pulls Percy up to his feet.

Percy wraps one arm around Johnny and one around me and pulls us into a hug. "I love you guys." Percy slurs placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek then doing the same to Johnny.

"I can't wait for this baby. It's going to be good ya know?" He smiles as we walk him into his bedroom. Johnny takes most of his weight and drops him onto his bed.

I move around and pull off Percy shoes then pull the blanket up. Percy grabs Johnnys head roughly and whispers something into his ear before passing out.

Johnny shakes his head then takes my hand and leads me back to his room. "What were you doing up?" Johnny asks climbing back into bed.

"I had to pee. Then I was thirsty and started talking to Percy." I tell him climbing in next to him and wrapping my body around his.

"What'd you talk about?" He asks pulling me closer. "His boss's wife." I yawn. "Pretty fucked huh?" Johnny says wriggling his hand under my shirt to rest on my belly.

"What'd he say to you?" I ask through a yawn closing my eyes. I hear Johnny mumble something but can't make it out as I fall asleep.

I wake up suddenly when there's a loud knock on Johnnys bedroom door. "Johnathan! Wake up!" I hear Marc yelling. Johnny groans before answering.

"What?" He yells moving his hands around the bed looking for me. "I need your help at the shop!" Marc yells back.

Johnny grabs my waist and pulls me down to his chest. "I'm busy today!" He yells then kisses my forehead. "Olivia can come!" Marc yells laughing before I hear his footsteps walk away.

"You want to come with me?" Johnny grumbles opening his eyes slightly. "Sure." I tell him pecking his lips.


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