Chapter 35

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"A body has been found on the inner west side of the BrookeField woods with professionals stunned by what they have uncovered." The news report blared, her eyebrows drawn in an expression of exhausted worry. "Amber Harrington, the first recorded child to go missing in the community of BrookeField has now been discovered months later, her body torn apart by some an animal. Professionals can only guess that the large animal, most likely a bear came across the teenager who had wondered into the woods."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat at this. I knew what had killed her. It wasn't a bear, or the BrookeField murderer, it was the Forsaken. Isaac said they tore apart their prey, only to leave them to rot in hell or what we call it, the forest.

"However no other bodies have been discovered prior to this." She continued with a stern, news reporter voice. "Hunters are being called in to locate the animal before any more children are hurt. A message to the BrookeField community, stay away from the woods until further notice. Thank you and goodnight."

I switched off the television to glance at Mum who still remained silent next to me.

"The poor girl." She whispered and I blinked in surprise. That was the first thing I had heard her say the entire day. I said nothing at this, mostly because I didn't know how to respond. I had seen Ambers body. I had seen the way her skin was torn to the bone, five scratch marks wrapping themselves around her torso. I had seen the way her throat was sliced open, dried blood crusted on her frozen skin.

I blinked rapidly to rid myself of the horrid images.

"I'm going out for dinner with the girls." Mum said quietly, but her eyes never reached mine. "I'll be back late so don't wait up."

I nodded but didn't say anything. She couldn't pretend I didn't exist for days and then all of a sudden start talking to me. That wasn't how communication worked.

She got up from her spot and trailed to her room, probably to get changed. I was somewhat happy that she was voluntarily going to meet up with her friends considering I usually was the one forcing her. Hopefully they could cheer her up a bit more and erase her dull mood. Her absence also gave me the perfect opportunity to sneak out to Yellow Street.

At the thought I felt my heart race so it thumped against my chest. I glanced over at the sliding glass doors that led out to the woods. I could walk through to Yellow Street from here but I wouldn't have a clue which direction to travel in. I would probably just get myself lost.

And we all knew what happened to people who got lost in the forest.


Mum took absolutely forever to get ready and when she finally left the house, she was dressed in an oversized coat that hung down to below her knees. She had buttoned it up all the way, most likely because of the cold weather. I noticed she had put on knee high boots, the heel only a couple of centimetres high. Her curled hair was twisted into a knot at the back of her head but she managed to pull it off nicely.

I uttered her a quick goodbye and waited for the rev of the car driving down the street before I hopped up from my spot. I dashed to my room and shrugged off my clothes, tearing around for a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I toped the outfit with a thick jumper to keep me warm and a run-down pair of sneakers. It was the best I could do. After grabbing my backpack full of goodies and my phone, I slipped out the front door. Every second that pasted as I skittered through the dark streets was a second too long. I hated the feeling of uneasiness that washed through me as I slinked along the back streets, pausing at every corner and jumping at every sound. While I walked, my mind raced for something to do. I hadn't been able to think of a plan except for pretending to act like I was a Parade member until I could come up with something better. But now I was only minutes away from Yellow Street and my time was running out. If Miss Anderson wanted answers, I wanted them back. I needed to know how she knew my parents, especially my father and how she knew about the Parade. Another part of me wanted to seek revenge on her for hurting me over and over again, from the pencil to the neck grabbing.

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