Chapter 38

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I froze as did Isaac. His eyes widened with horror and he immediately rose from his spot.

"Aaron, I was wondering when I would see you next." My mother's voice floated towards us as Aaron murmured something polite back.

"Is she awake?" She asked and Aaron must've nodded because she rounded the doorway. Her eyes landed on mine and a small smile formed on her face.

"Renee." She breathed but then she seemed to realise Isaac was beside me. Her eyes hardened instantly, the smile slipping from her lips in a matter of seconds.

"I thought I told you you're not allowed in my house." Mum snapped, her fingers clenching on the coffee cup she held.

Isaac shifted uncomfortably in his spot, dropping his gaze in almost a submissive way.

"I'm sorry Miss Argent I just wanted to see Renee." He said apologetically, his voice softened with shame.

"You've said that every day for the past four days and every time I say the same thing." Mum retorted, her voice as sharp as her gaze. "And the answer is no. Now get out of my house."

"Mum," I interjected but she hushed me by holding up her hand.

"I said he's a bad influence on you. I don't care if he plays the kind act, but I'm not having any of it." She swallowed coldly as Isaac nodded.

Aaron rounded the corner, his eyes lightened with an emotion I didn't recognise.

"I'll walk you out." Aaron said with a smile although it looked fake. I saw a muscle jump in Isaacs jaw as he turned to address Aaron.

"I can find my own way out." He hissed, ignoring my mother's appalled look. Isaac turned to give me a frown, his mouth open as if to say something but then he seemed to think better of it and headed out the door. As he reached Aaron, he collided into his shoulder, causing Aaron to take a step backwards from the force of his movement. Aarons smile disappeared but not before I saw a murderous look flash in his eyes. I looked away, pretending I didn't see the way his hands clench into fists by his side. The slamming of the front door signalled that Isaac had found the exit.

Mum finally took the seat next to me while Aaron leaned on the doorframe. She reached out a gentle hand and trailed her fingers down my cheek. That's when I was hit with the smell of alcohol.

I felt my lips tilt into a frown. "Have you been drinking?"

Mum stiffened but she hid it by shrugging. "I walked past the bar to get here." She tried to play her lie off by laughing but even I could tell it was dead. I glanced at the coffee cup in her hand, my eyes narrowing.

"What's in the cup Mum." I said, my voice cold. She frowned and put the cup down, her eyes glinting with shock as if she couldn't believe I had uncovered her secret.

"How are you feeling?" She said softly, dodging the question entirely. I gave her an irritated look but chose to ignore her coffee cup until Aaron left the house.

"Like so many things are wrong with me." I replied. I noticed that my mother's hair still wasn't brushed and she smelt like her clothes hadn't been washed in days. I curled my nose against the smell.

She sighed, her gaze unblinking against mine. "I know honey and I'm sorry this keeps happening to you."

"I don't understand why." I said. "The hospital said I was okay to leave, why did my heart fail again?"
She shook her head, her face one of exhaustion. "They did warn me fthat you to take it easy for a while. Maybe going to school so quickly didn't do you too good after all."

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