Reviews + Awards

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'Awesome work! I finished the story in one go, even if it drained the energy out of me considering its length. The author has great writing skills, especially when it comes to the description, characterisation and setting up of events. At first, I thought the plot was very slow. But as I read, I understood how each chapter was important in unfolding the plot. None of the chapters was boring. In fact, it just made me more intrigued and forced me to continue reading. There were so many mysteries in it, which intensified the plot. I had to read until the last chapter to get a complete understanding of the story. The author sure knows how to hook the readers. I would just suggest doing editing of the whole book because there were a few grammatical errors, not that they were distracting in any way. But overall, it was perfect!' 


'This is a really lovely start to the story! I'm not usually a werewolf novel fan for the exact reasons that you listed in your authors note, so this was a really pleasant surprise. You write very vividly and gave a good sense of the town and the (were)wolf without getting bogged down in telling instead of showing. Your writing style flows well, and you've given a lot of insight into the relationship between the narrator and Aleena, as well as the narrator and her Mum. I can imagine the town where this is set very clearly, but you managed to convey that in a short amount of space.'

- @EmilyHarken 

'First, let me just say I am absolutely IN LOVE with this story. The title is intriguing, related to the story, and sets the tone of the story well. The description blew me out of the water - it was astonishing! It was intriguing, interesting, and introduced the characters and location succinctly. I honestly don't have any feedback for the description - it was amazing!

The imagery was amazing - from the description of the clothing and appearance to the description of events (particularly in the Prologue). You managed to convey vivid imagery in a small amount of words which helps maintain the flow of the story... I loved how it wasn't a typical werewolf story with glorification of rape and abuse. Thank you for this masterpiece!'


'If I didn't know any better, I would swear this was a book I could get in my library. The description really tugs your sleeve and makes you want to read it. I had no reason to pause or cringe at bad grammar because there was a lack of it.'

-  samaishaali 

'[The Night Children] held creativeness and an element that would attract readers towards [the novel]. The description of the characters made me crazy about your story. All the characters whether its Renee, Aaron, Aleena, Isaac, Chelsea and even Miss Anderson were described so fantastically. The descriptions were enough for us to hate or love the character. And my favourite was Isaac. You wrote his features in a way that I could do nothing but like his character more and more.'

- @Miss_Chashmish 


The Galactic Awards, hosted by @LaughterGirl11

Ranking: 1st Place in Werewolf/Vampire Genre 

The Noble Awards, hosted by judithprieto2020

Ranking: 3rd Place in Werewolf/Vampire Genre 

Everything Cancelled Awards, hosted by @candlemouse :

 Ranking:  3rd Place in B2 Fantasy 

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