Chapter 42

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The boy's glares were nothing in comparison to Miss Andersons murderous look as she strode forwards. She pursed her lips thinly and halted to a stop in front of us. It must have looked like a very uncomfortable scene with Aaron shielding me from Isaac and both of them snarling at each other while I seemed like a coward hidden behind Aaron.

"You all should be in class." She hissed, her voice shrill. Isaac opened his mouth to protest but she held up a hand to silence him. It worked as he clamped his mouth shut, his eyes flashing. "Mr Jackson, Mr Payne, depart to your classes this instant."

Both of them spared me quick glances, Isaacs being the one filled with the most uneasiness. I knew what he was thinking.

Do not trust her.

I wasn't planning on it.

Aaron whirled to Miss Anderson, his movements jerky. "Miss Anderson, I was just talking to Renee-"

"I know what you were doing." Miss Anderson answered, her eyes like daggers against Aarons. "But I won't ask you to leave again."

He ducked his head, shielding his eyes with his ruffled head. Miss Anderson watched him impatiently before he finally seemed to understand that he could never win against her.

"Fine." He said sharply, his politeness apparently gone. His eyes flickered to mine and a message seemed to spread across them.

Are you going to be okay on your own?

I nodded at the very slightest so Miss Anderson wouldn't see but he got the picture. With one last glance at Miss Anderson, he turned and walked away. Now it was only Isaac, her and I.

"Go Isaac." I breathed, my voice risen in desperation. I could handle Miss Anderson on my own. He seemed torn, his eyes flickering from both her and I. He finally shook his head, his curls ruffling in his head.

"She is dangerous Renee." Was all he said, his lips forming a scowl. Miss Anderson let out a noise of sarcastic disbelief.

"She won't try anything here." I said but my voice was laced with unease. The truth was Miss Anderson was capable of anything. Even from my spot next to her, I could see the tell-tale glint of silver in her hair.

"Mr Jackson, please go to your class." Miss Anderson said, her voice light from favouritism. I knew she still valued Isaac in her class, it was obvious by the way her eyes gleamed as she looked at him and the way her lips angled into a slight smile. As if she were staring at a prize she could only claim.

"My apologises Miss Anderson," He began, his tone one of formality despite the anger I had seen in him a mere few minutes ago. "But I must talk with Renee."

Miss Anderson frowned in response, her grey eyes narrowing to watch him. She seemed to be thinking deeply, her expression one of curiosity.

"I think it would be best if you could wait to talk." Miss Anderson said carefully, flashing him a faint smile to lighten her harshness. Isaac took a deep breath and then finally, nodded.

"Very well." He whispered and he turned away without a backwards glance. After his footsteps were nothing but a distant echo, Miss Anderson spun on her heel. Grey hair was falling out of her bun, greasy with unkempt. Her glasses were on wonky, tilting from lack of precision and her red lipstick was smeared on the corner of her lip.

"Come with me Miss Argent." She said thinly.

"I don't have to come anywhere." I replied, planting my feet into the tiled floor of the locker rooms.

She seemed elated at my response, her lips curling over her teeth as she gave me a smile. It wasn't a normal smile. It was the type of smile that a clown would wear. All teeth and narrow lips and cracked wrinkles.

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